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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Need help remembering title/author of graphic novel!!?

Question: Need help remembering title/author of graphic novel!!!?
Hope someone can help me with this!. I read a graphic novel in high school (we're talking over a decade ago, so my memory is spotty at best) that was set during a nuclear holocaust!. It was (to my recollection) about a British couple, older, who had decided to not evacuate and tough out the bombing!. There are references to 'Ruskies' and WWII!. They use a mattress at a 60 degree angle against a hallway wall as shelter, thinking this will protect them!. Eventually, the couple gets radiation poisoning (described VERY accurately and poignantly) and both die!. The drawings are very 'round', and the colors are somewhat gritty!. Can anyone help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It wasn't "Maus" was it!? That's one of the more better known graphic novels of the Holocaust!. But the Jewish were represented as mice in this story!.!.!.so it might not be it, because you would probably remember the animal aspect to it!.!.!.


Edit: Wait, was it "When the Wind Blows!?"
