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Question: What is your favorite part of the twilight saga!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have a million! I like it when they are in the meadow and they say they love each other!. I like it when he takes to the dance at the end of Twilight!. I like it when it is near the end of the book for New Moon and Edward tells Bella he lied to her when he said he didnt love her, and then they kissed <3!. I love it when they talk about getting married, and i LOVE it when he proposes to her!!! Oh and when they are in the meadow at the end of Eclipse and they start like making out!.!.!.and then when she tells alice she is the maid of honor and she can plan the wedding :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!.!.!. This is such an intense question!. My favorite part is in Twilight when they are in the meadow and he has a little episode!. Tempted and still unsure of whether or not he is going to kill her, he displays his speed and strength, almost like he is making sure she knows that he is in complete control!. It's so exciting because by this point in the book you already trust him with her safety and it's scary to think that he might hurt her!.!. but kinda hot at the same time!

I also love how a few pages later he heard her say that she loves him while she's sleeping and Bella says that he knew that already!. He replies that it's still nice to hear so she says "I love you" and he says "You are my life now!." Why oh whyyy is he not real!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well my favorite book is Eclipse!. From Alice kidnapping Bella, to the night when Edward proposes to Bella, the fight between Edward and Victoria!.!.!.I love it all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

all of it, every word, every page of all of the booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

well my favorite part is deff!. the part were jasper s explaing the wars to bella and his past!. it really shows who he is and what he went through!. its horrible!. hes a deep character lol!. hes my fav!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg i have to choose
umm!.!.!.!.when bella and edward are totally alone at his house in eclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com

The part where Edward broke up with Bella in New Moon and Bella went suicidal for 500 pages!. It made me smile to know that she was suffering!.

Its sad but that is how much she annoyed me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice question!.!.!.
When Bella and Edward are at his house, right before the fight between the newborns and the Cullens/Werewolves, its so sweet and romantic!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite part was looking forward to it each day as I only read at night in bed!.
I loved Twilight best of all but my other favorite was the dialogue between Edward and Jacob in EclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com

i especially like the part when edward proposes to bella!.
(well maybe not the part when edward leaves!.!.!. it made me cry)

He is SO perfect!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you loved twilight you would too!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

all of the scenes during the battle in Eclipse

LOVE the tent scenes!
haha they never fail to make me laugh


bella being depressed in new moon!. if youre ever having trouble sleeping, thats what you need to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything about it!
i love edward the most though!. <3

Twilight, where Edward first tells Bella the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate each and every word!. Why the hell couldn't Bella die!?


The tent scene in Eclipse!. I loved Jacob in it and Edward seemed a little less unreallistically perfect!.


in eclipse when edward fights victoriaWww@QuestionHome@Com

the story I guess!. My favorite book out of them is twilight !Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Edward proposes - the sweetest moment ever!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when edward and jacob talk in the tentWww@QuestionHome@Com