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Question: Twilight: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" partly inspired "Breaking Dawn!." How do think it may have influenced it
If you know anything about the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", give your theories as to how you think "Breaking Dawn's" story may "play" out, given "Midsummer's" influence!. Share what themes you think Stephenie Meyer may have extracted from "Midsummer" in order to illustrate Bella's last account in the "Twilight" series!.

Note: There was one other book that inspired "Breaking Dawn" that Stephenie has not yet revealed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
how's this : ed and bella run off - jacob and tanya follow them!. jacob loves bella!. tanya loves ed!. jacob imprints on tanya!.

i actually have read the play a long time ago actually when i analyze it there alot alike its about a love square between 4 people lysandar helena hermia and demetrius hermia and lysandar love each other but hermias father wants her to marry demetrius but she dosent want to she wants lysandar so the couple run into the forest demetrius who also loves hermia goes after her helena which no one pays attention too follows demetrius around because she likes him while he thinks shes annoying then their something about fairies then they end up changing who they love but in the end demetrius relizes that he loves helena more than hermia than lysandar and hermia end up together so everything ends the way it should be i think hermia is bella lysandar is edward demetrius is jacob and helena is i think leahWww@QuestionHome@Com

In Midsummer Night's Dream, everyone fell in love with the wrong person!. So I just REALLY hope that Edward and Bella won't branch out and love someone else!. Or that Bella changes her mind and goes for Jacob!.

Sorry I'm on Team EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!. i dont have anything regarding this question!. But as a fan of the series, i though Newmoon was such a disappointment!. Can u imagine 80% of the book was dedicated to Bella's pity-party!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably because of the crazy love triangle!.!.!. people loved one person but then the spell went crazy and everyone was falling in love with the wrong person!.!.!. I'm excited!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know !.Www@QuestionHome@Com