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Question: Angela's Ashes Question!. *URGENT*!?
im writing my essay!.!.!.and i can think of many reasons why its ultimatly a sad book but can ANYONE THINK OF SOME HAPPY POINTS in the novel!!?!!?!?!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just one nit-pick here!.

In your essay, do NOT refer to this book as a novel!!! A novel, by definition, is FICTION!. "Angela's Ashes" is a true story, a memoir!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, after computer malfunction:

1!. When his parents met and conceived him in that sweaty, exciting, hi-energy saloon!. It was a happy, yet unreal place- kind of like how all babies are conceived!. also

2!. When the author first saw the Statue of Liberty and NYC

3!. When he ate an apple from a tree on a neighboring farm and the teachers punished him for stealing!. He was famished and the food made him happy

Did you really read this book!? I read it so many years ago and I still cherish it!. The point is there was some happiness, always tinged by punishment and regret!. But that is the Irish culture!. You could write volumes on this one bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Frank follows his dream and starts his journey to the U!.S!.A!. at the end of the book!.

He never quits working for it!. He does not let his family's poverty stop him from following his dream!. He earns everything that he gets and has!. He works to provide for his family when he father is out having the drink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Frank learned many wonderful, true life lessons!.
He loved his family!.
He learned the value of hard work!.
He learned to be a dependable person!.
He got to NYC!.
He never gave up!
He was a true Irish Lad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He worked hard, saved his money and as a result he was able to get out of Ireland, away from the crushing poverty and dysfunctional family, and go to New York City to build a new life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The main character is extremely happy to see his father when he comes back home after years of being away!. (Even if it was only for him to be disappointed after being abandoned again!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Frankie triumphs over his difficult childhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Angela was burned alive!. Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com