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Question: Twilight magazine!?
Edward and Bella's on-screen counterparts are on the cover of Entertainment Weekly! And Edward looks extremely sexy! What do you think of the cover!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
that's exactly how i think he should look, but kristen looks nothing like her character i mean she looks suductive, and not shy like her character is portrayed, but i love the shot, it is major sexyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, but I actually agree with BookMusicArtFreak!. I'm still not used to the idea of our gorgeous Edward being played by Robert Pattinson (ew, sorry Rob fans)!. I think he's make up was horrible and I HATE chest hair!.!.!.ew!.!.!.And Kristin looks beautiful though, I don't think that Bella should look better than Edward but I guess that's how it will be in the movie!.
Again, sorry if I offended anyone, but that's my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That picture is a Kristen/Robert photo, not a Bella/Edward picture, like what twilight lexicon said!.
I don't like it at all!.!.!.!.!.!.
Robert looks like a zombie, like someone else said!. And Kristen looks dead, way too tan, and why is her hair curly!!?!?!?
ugh!.!.!.!. i just don't like it!. I see no chemistry between them!.
i just!.!.!.!. just think it's awful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually thought it was pretty terrible, to be honest!.
His makeup sort of made him look like a zombie!.
His chest was!.!.!.hairy!.Ugh!.
Kristen (if that is Kristen, I can't actually be sure) looks gorgeous!.
Now, is Bella supposed to be tan and sexy!?

I know they had the best of intentions!. But they sort of made Twilight look like another trashy paperback romance!.

I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but that is my honest opinion : /Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm defianatly buying it tomorrow!.!.!.but i really dont like it!. edward looks sexy and all but Kirsten is!.!.!.just!.!.!.!.idk!. it looks nothing like her!. Shes not supposed to b tan!!! Robert looks drugged but sexyyy all the same!. A little dissaapointed but idk its sexy!. And whats with the randomness of the shirtless Robert!?!?

Im buyin it tomorrow!!!woohooooWww@QuestionHome@Com

EWEEE! i dont like it at ALL!. and i think shane west would be a better edward!
!.!.!.and that isnt a good bella shes too sexy, shes supposed to e like, pale and unconfidentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes!. Very sexy!. I just love re-animated corpses!. Who could resist that waxy complexion and fuzzy chest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want the mag but I hate patterson and stewart for the roles!. Kirsten doesnt look anything like Bella and Robert!? Gag me with a spoon other actors could play him betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

the only thing i didn't like about it was that he had chest hair!.!.!.but what can i say he is extremely sexy~!.!.!.and i think they did an amazing job~Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 word, WOW!!!!!!
I am so buying that magazine!!As soon as it get out and hang it on my wall!!!!!!

-Alice Cullen
Days till breaking dawn:22Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, i just looked it up, and i definately agree with you!.!.!.wowWww@QuestionHome@Com

YEAH HE DOES!Www@QuestionHome@Com

im going to go buy it tomorrow!.!.!.does that answer your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

where is the link!?Www@QuestionHome@Com