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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Would you read a book about my summer?

Question: Would you read a book about my summer!?
Some of my friends (real-life and online) that follow my blog have encouraged me to write a book for a while!. I just finished college with an Accounting degree!. I'm spending one last summer in my hometown before I start my first job where I'll be paid almost twice as much as my dad!. I'm spending the summer repairing the house I grew up in so it can be rented out!. I'm also visiting with my grandma who developed dementia over the past year and only sometimes remember me, even though I lived with her for years!.

I have three best friends!. I'm living with one of them while I'm in town, she just finished her first year of college!. My other best friend from here has a serious boyfriend who was almost killed by a drunk driver while walking on a sidewalk last month!. He had a stroke and just awoke from a coma last week!. The third lives in the city where I'm getting ready to move and just got engaged to her first serious boyfriend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would read a book about that!. it sounds well very interesting and stressful but sounds, if your a good writer, like it would be a good read!. hope i could help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it seems like it would be really interesting!.!.!. def a story that could grip at the heartstrings, as im sure you know =)
I would read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could possibly read it, but it all depends on how it is written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com