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Question: Bibliophiles!? Anyone who reads!? I have a question for you!.!.!.!?
When you buy a new book do you sort of have a ritual that you do!?

First, I crack the spine in multiple places (I only buy paperback!.)

Then, if I have purchased the book at Borders or Half-Price Books, I remove the price sticker!.

Next, I leave it on my bedside table for a few nights, picking it up and thumbing through it, reading passages at random!.
I write my name on the upper right hand corner of the first page -- initial of my first name, full last name!.

Then, this new book finds a home on one of my bookcase after I read it!.
Yes -- I am a weirdo!.

I mean I will sit and look at a book for a week before reading it!. I will sit and look at the cover, ponder which one to read first if i buy 3or 4, I will read all the reviews and try to see which ones I recognize, etc!.
I even smell the book!. I like the smell of fresh ink and paper!.
Does anyone else do this!? Or am I just a weirdo!?
If you do, what's your ritual!?
I don't wait a whole week before reading a bWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lol yes you are a weido, but thats a good thing!.

as far as rituals go!.!.!. i guess i do

umm before i buy a book i research up on it, u know learn what its about, see what other books the auther has wriiten!. you know that short of thing!.

then i get home as fast as i can with my books, and dive right in

unfortunitally, i cant go long without nowing how the story ends or what happens next, so i make sure i have alot of time !.!.!.or a good excuse for why i didnt do my homework!.

then i finish the book with hours or days (depending on how long it is) and start wishing i read it slower!. lol

looks like your not alone!. im a weirdo toWww@QuestionHome@Com

not necessarily a weirdo, i also love the smell of the books, it never happened that i did not smell the book before i bought it!. i also like to write into them, my name on the very last page or on the first!. i love moving books from shelf to shelf, rearranging them so they are tidy etc!. and another thing i love about books is the way they get this old look, they start looking used, but i dont like it when they fall apart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's sorta different for me because I'm an author but what I do when one of my books is done I sit down on my couch and skim through thinking what I had accomplished!. Then I also look at the reviews I got from reviewing places or whatever!. My favorite thing is also the smell of the fresh ink that it was written in!. Then I open the page and start reading my own work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually for the last 40 years, the first thing I have done is put a new book on a list!. I keep track of every book I've read and when!. I think it started when I realized that I was accumulating books I hadn't read right after I graduated from college!. I don't go through the ritual you do!. Some books I read immediately; others can wait months or even years for me to read!. My goal is to read all of them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to represent sanity here!. I just read the book by flicking the pages sequentially!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone is a bit obsessive-compulsive!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No ritual!. I buy both hard covers and paperbacks!. I read some in the chair, some in the tub, some in bed!. I never dog ear pages!. I generally take the paper dust jacket off before reading!. We shelve our books in perfect AACR2 order --if author, then by title!. If more than 3 authors or an editor, then by title!.

I always bring my own book along to doctor's offices!. My allergist gets a kick out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I buy a brand new book it is always the hardcover copy!. If there is a price sticker on it I carefully remove it!. Then I smell the book!. That's right, I take pleasure in smelling brand new books that I own!. It's a delight!. After this I wash and dry my hands and then I read the book very carefully as to not damage it!. I also try to get a plastic wrap for the covers but I haven't ordered any of those in awhile!. The book then goes on my shelf and it stays there until I decide to paw through them and reflect upon them!.

Writing in a book or dog earing a book is a serious sin in my household -- do it and you may very well end up being served as supper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com