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Position:Home>Books & Authors> 'Crossing Over' with John 'Cold Reader' Edward?

Question: 'Crossing Over' with John 'Cold Reader' Edward!?
I know this news is old-hat by now, but I read up on 'cold reading', and it's basically all he does!! And he makes a fortune out of it, too!.!.!?!? Damn!. I know he also does 'hot readings', using mic's in the audience waiting-line, and the like!. His buddy, James Van Prague does the same thing, too!. He once threw 32 names at a woman untill she said 'Yes, that's my husbands name'!.
I hate this kind of BS!. They can tell him so much about someone in the audience, but they can't get more than the first letter of their name across to him!. lol 'I'm getting a 'C'!.!.!. yes, it's a 'C'!. Anyone in here know anyone in their lives who's name began with 'C'!.!.!.!?!?' lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are several web sites dedicated to exposing John Edward, James Van Prague, and Sylvia Brown!. James Randi, the stage magician who uses the name "The Amazing Randi," has a newsletter and some wonderful forums for skeptics at http://www!.randi!.org!. You can go over there and look for the forums discussing these folks and find all kinds of new information and additional links!.

"He said to tell you that everything is beautiful where he is, and he misses you every day but he's always with you and watching out for you, so don't be sad!." WOW!. Always amazes me that these dead people can't say their own names, but can spew out entire paragraphs of sentimental, non-specific drivel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it's horrible, he should be ashamed of himself for preying on naive people!. South Park did a great episode on him (of course!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aha =] Interesting!.
And i do agree!.

Btw, Corrina!? My cousin's name =P
And Cara ! xWww@QuestionHome@Com