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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do u all think of Stephen king????

Question: What do u all think of Stephen king!?!?!?!?
i think he's gr8 he wrote loads of stuff like

green mile
the stand
the girl who loved tom gordon

loads of gd stuff but what do u like!?!?!?!?
what do u fink!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He has so many other good books and short stories!. What about Cujo, Insomnia, Christine, Hearts in Atlantis, Rose Madder, Misery, Bag of Bones, The Dark Half, The Dead Zone, Gerald's Game, Needful Things, The Gunslinger books are all amazing!.
His short story collections are really good like Four Past Midnight, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Everythings Eventual and Skeleton Crew!.

His most recent Liseys Story and Duma Key are really good too!.

He is amazing!. I have seen him speak twice in NYC and he always blows me away!. He gets ideas from everywhere and he is always writing!. I also love the way his books connect somehow and make references to eachother!. If you read enough of his stuff you start to catch things!. He's my favorite writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book I read are: Carrie, Firestarter!. I found them both gave me a sad feeling in the end!. In Firestarter the childs father dies and her mother is already dead!. In carrie well lots of jerks dies so you don't feel much sympathy for them but its' Carries death that is sad!. In the end she screams out for her Mom!. Susan shares some kind of telepathic communication with her in the end trying to bring comfort to the insane/dying mind!.
As for movies I've seen The Green Mile which makes me feel sad, Carrie-which disappoints me for the book seemed more effective ending, Rose Red-well it seemed like a sad ending but almost looked as if by killing the pshcologist in the end the ghosts gained there sanity back and would leave this earth!.
Oh and another movie I saw but I can't remember the ending of it the creature(I think was death) needed a replacement and basically took a town hostage till he got what he wanted!. It just didn't seem fair and I just didn't like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He used to be the best, but hasn't written a good book in a long time!. I guess we all run out of ideas eventually!.

IT was my favorite novel, but I really loved the Dark Tower series the best!. I used to wait patiently as he came out with each book!.

"Last Rung on the Ladder" was my favorite short story, but he wrote a lot of good short stories long ago when he was still good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think steven king is really good!.

i LOVED the green mile & misery!.
those are my 2 favorites by him!.

and i believe he wrote Carrie & Christina!. [Christina was the one about the car!.]
i think!.!.!.

but if he did!.!.!.
i love that one too!.
and if he didn't!.!.!.
srry it had nothing to do with the topic!.!.!.but i still love it :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always been a fan of Stephen King and although his movies are good his books are GREAT!. I have always been creeped out of the movies IT and PET SEMETARY when I was a kid but wow, I just recently read the books and they are 10 times better and way more scary!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have most of his old stuff - the newer stuff isn't as good - the only thing I can attribute that to is that whenhe was writinghis old stuff he was strung out on crack and other drugs!. He has been clean for a while now and the writing isn't the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's a great writer, he gets a little out there some times!.!.!.his imagination may get away from him a bit!. But great books!. I've read:
Gerald's Game
The Shining
Salem's Lot
Rose Madder
Pet Semetary
All great reads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read all of his books but those I have have been quite variable in quality!. In an interview he said "When in doubt I go for the gross-out" and he sure does!. Even when I enjoy one of his books I always feel slightly guilty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite writer!.
His greatest book was, to me, Pet Sematary!. That thing scared my like nothing else!.
His best book (there is a descrepency between best and greatest) or books, is The Dark Tower series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's one of my favourite authors, i liked the dark tower series best along with misery, pet semetary and Dead zone (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

those are his best works but his work has slowly gone done the drain!. i used to LOVE stephen king but now hes alright not my fav writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is a great author and have enjoyed many of his books!. Faves are:

The Regulators

I liked The book "IT" and Pet cemetaryWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like him!.!.!.but I like Bentley Little better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all but Salem's Lot is one of my all time favorite books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com