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Question: Any word on a fifth Odd Thomas installment in the series!?
seems like i heard that one is in the works by Mr!. Koontz, and the forth novel leaves a few questions unansweredWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I absolutely adore Dean Koontz! He's such a great writer, and the Odd Thomas series is one of his best!. Here's a link to his website where he talks about his ideas concerning Odd!. (BTW: It's going to be a six-book series!)


I haven't heard anything YET about a 5th book, but I think it's a definite possibility!. Seems like I read somewhere that Dean Koontz never actually meant to make it a series, but people loved it so much (including himself) that he kept it going!. So I don't see any reason for him to stop now!.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this series!. I had to get Odd Hours as soon as it came out and it was as great as I hoped!.

Just some info about "In Odd We Trust"!. It IS a prequel to the whole series, but it is a GRAPHIC NOVEL, not a novel!. I have yet to get it, but plan to soon!.

And I also wanted to mention that anyone who likes the Odd Thomas series would probably also like Fear Nothing and Sieze the Night by Dean Koontz!. Odd Thomas reminded me a bit of the main charachter from those books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I too am awaiting the arrival of Odd Hours at my local library!. I can hardly wait to read it! Odd Thomas is one of the greatest characters ever created!.

There is a prequel out (I just went to deantkoontz!.com) called In Odd We Trust!. Sweet!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there will be one!. But no word yet on what the story will be!. Odd Thomas is Dean Koontz' most popular character!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I havn't read the forth yet I'm still waiting for the local library to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com