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Question: How do you write a book as opposed to writing a story!?
How do you keep a book going and get the motivation to actually finish something as long as hundreds of pages!? Stories are generally shorter and a lot easier to write than books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well done Slate, that is the question!.
It depnds on how much time you are intrested in investing to a story!. It also depends on the type of story it is!. Hundreds of pages can be a long and grueling thing to accomplish, and at times it gets reptitive, but there are many ways to breeze through it, if you believe me!. Short stories don't require an outline, and most novels do because of the span of time they usually take up and the development of character, plot, and the basis of theme (but I'll tell you, don't docus on theme too much because it'll take away from overall story)!. The way to keep a book going is to be already intrested in the plot all together; if you don't have that enthusiasm, the it's gonna be a dud - it'll show n your writing!. But you can't just make it all fo the readers, you have to make the story something you would want to go out and buy; something you ar enjoying writing!. Because when it comes down to it, it's yours, and just like a baby, you have to love it and watch it grow!. That is key!.
The essence of your story has to be believeable, and i know that sounds like work, but trust me, once you start to see it take form, you'll really be pleased with yourself!. I was!.
When i first started writng, i went through draft after horrible draft until found something that peaked my interest!. It'll come, trust me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!. I wonder this myself, also!. I'm trying to write a book, but the getting the motivation to is hard!.
Just picture this: your writing a book is a race!. Not a race against anyone else, exactly, but a race against yourself!. You can go fast, you can go slow!. But that finish line is there!. Are you gonna have the strength, the willpower, the inspiration to get there!? It's up to you!.
Again, great question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really!? I have a hard time writing short stories because it eventually ends up turning into a full-length book!. There's too much going on to condense it to 5, 10, 20 pages!.

I had problems finishing a book, but it's not because of the lack of ideas!. The problem is that I get too many ideas!. I get 10 chapters done, and then I get a new idea to incorporate into the story!. It throws off what I already have, thus scrapping the whole thing and starting over would've been a lot easier than going back and editing it (yeah, THAT big of a change)!. It hasn't happened lately--I guess that means my book is pretty much set in stone by now!.

Do you plan your story ahead of time, or do you blindly jump into the writing process with one single idea!? Maybe spending some time planning the story in your head will help this!? I can't start writing something unless I know exactly where it's going!. Edit: Well, I'm capable of improvising on the spot, but I rather not!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What a coincidence! I'm writing a very long story, right now, and I have the same problem! So far I only have 178 pages, when my goal is at least 350!. What I do is I freewrite, just write everything that's on my mind!. Then I revise that, again and again!. That'll make about 30-50 pages!. Then I repeat the process over and over again, untill I have at least 350 pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what kind of bo0k u r writing and how much motivation u began with

I myself find it wery easy to write a book w/ a couple hundred pages in it
because I have a passion for it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com