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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think about Jodi Picoult's books?

Question: What do you think about Jodi Picoult's books!?
(Author of My Sister's Keeper, Nineteen Minutes, The Pact, etc)

For people that have read her books, any advice as to how to write something half as compelling as she has!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have loved each one that I have read so far!. I am not a big fan of the way it flashes back and forth so much, but she makes it work really well!.
If you are trying to write, base your characters and events from things you observe in real life!. Go to a park on a sunny day and just sit and observe!. If you see something happen that is not out of the ordinary, a child chasing a ball for instance, write about it-through your eyes!. If your imagination is like mine a whole world of stories will pop up as soon as you try to describe it to yourself!.
Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only book that I have read of hers is The Tenth Circle, and I must say that I found it to be very enjoyable!. They also made a film to it that was quite interesting and captivating as well!.
I like how she implicated the use of real people and their emotional, conflicting lives!. She tells the stories of families struggling to cope with what ever obstacle they're going through, in this case a raped daughter, and makes them entertaining to read, although this one did have it's bit of confusion!.
I'm looking forward to getting the chance to reading another one of her books though, especially from the reviews that her other ones are much more improved and alluring than The Tenth Circle!.
My advice to you would be to focus your story on real people, events, or settings, with dramatizing conflicts that will make it more conspicuous, exciting, and engaging to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read a handful of her books, and just finished Second Glance!.
She's an incredible author!.
I guess write what you know, include details, and write like you are watching a movie!. Imagine all the details you see in a movie!.!.!.how the people move, what their hands are doing, their faces, etc, and describe it that way!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVED My Sister's Keeper!. Amazing!. The rest of her books I found rather dry, actually!.!.!.!.but I'd say based on MSK you'd have to do a LOT of research!.!.!.and have self experiences of your own that were equally as emotional so you could write based off what you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com