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Question: J!.K!.Rowling's Website!?
What days can you entire J!.K!.Rowlings door on her website!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When she was still writing there would be something there at random times and usually Christmas!. Now there is a time turner down on the right side of the door!. You can now go back in time to a moment when there was something behind the door and see what's back there (If you pick a time when it was open) after solving the puzzles to get in!. You just need to click the handle then the hourglass and it will turn back time for you!.
The Harry Potter Lexicon has a list of when the door was open and they have hints/solutions to the puzzles too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure what you mean!.
Are you talking about the door you see when you click on the eraser on the main page!?
If so, I'm fairly certain you can open it any time - I just did!. Just click on the handle!.
The only thing behind it is a genealogy of the main characters!. Who marries whom and what kids they have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there are days set aside for opening, but I really haven't been on enough to know for sure!. Try Google!? Sorry :IWww@QuestionHome@Com
