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Question: Who love !.!.!.!?
the harry potter books!?why!?why not!?

the series of unfortunate events!?why!?why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the harry potter books, and i bought every one of them, but i was slightly disappointed with the last book!.

Why do I like it!? Beautiful plot, expressive sentences, lots of imagination and fantasy, simple language yet very interesting, and I love all books

Disappointment about the last book!? It was just like a bunch of answers that I wanted to know all thrown into it without much, I am not sure how to explain, feelings in it!. It wasn't alive, just written for the purpose of answering the mysteries lingering behind the story!.

I have never read the series of unfortunate events, thanks for mentioning, might try to get my hands on them!


Although I have seen a couple of the Harry Potter films and enjoyed some of them, I haven't gotten the urge to read any of the books!.
Series of Unfortunate Events-- Read when I was a bit younger than I am now and found them to be somewhat captivating, especially since it was a 'series', and found myself interested in reading each sequel!. I also thought Lemony Snicket's endings were clever and liked how he didn't leave you a cliffhanger!. I wouldn't say that I 'loved' them though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com