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Question: Cross-genre: if you could convince one author!.!.!.!?
If you could convince one author to write a book in a different genre, who would it be!? What type of book would you choose!?

Do you want to see a novel about existentialism by JK Rowling!?

Would it make you jump for joy to read the biography of a basketball star, written by Kurt Vonnegut!?

Do you believe Ayn Rand would have been much better as a historical romance author!?

No need to limit yourself to writers that are still alive, Socrates and Paolini are equally welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fantasy for Charles Dickens!. Imagine his flowery language and the land of fairies!. Has he written any!?!?!? That would be tremendously captivating!. Somethong truly enough to take one out of this world!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd love to read Jane Austen's apocalyptic novel!.

Limiting it to one is too difficult!. I can also see Beatrix Potter tackling the horror genre!.

Oscar Wilde would write a rip-roaring action-adventure novel!. Or maybe Plato would be better!?

Alexandre Dumas - romance author

Ray Bradbury - historical romance author

Lucy Maud Montgomery - transgressive fiction

Louisa May Alcott - stream of consciousness

There are endless possibilities to stir the imagination!. SuperMinion, your questions are great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd like to see the post-modern Mark Twain!. (Or is that what Vonnegut was!?)

How about Faulkner doing space operas!. But still in stream of consciousness and the southern vernacular!.

Maybe some children's stories by Joseph Heller!. (But all written in the voice of David on the death bed from God Knows!. That would be hilarious!)

And lord knows how I've dreamed of some contemporary political commentary from Dr!. Seuss!. (Still animated of course, and written in anapestic tetrameter!.) (Sorry, I just learned that's what the rhyme scheme he used was called!. I thought it was a cool term!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bram Stoker writes bunny stories!.!.!.
Philip K Dick writes instruction or recipe books!.
E E Doc Smith on interior design!.

This reminds me terribly of
"Oi, Robot: competitions and cartoons from the mnagazine of fantasy and science fiction!."
A wonderful little book!.
Reader competitions for swopped titles, combined titles, collaborations!.!.
Alternate universe speculations!.!.!.
"You know you're in an alternative universe when!.!.!.
!.!.!.the coins in your sporran are inscribed "In Mithras we trust!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Steven King writting a childrens book;

J K Rowling writing a reference book :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr!. Seuss writing a vampire novel!. He could have done a better job!.


what if Douglas Adams wrote a book in the bible!? WHOA!!Www@QuestionHome@Com