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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm wanting to create a manga to send into publisher, what are the necessary

Question: I'm wanting to create a manga to send into publisher, what are the necessary things I should do!?
What are some certain requirements or recommendations are needed in my manga for sending it to a company for possible publication!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think you'll find any help in the Writer's Market!. I've checked in the past!.!.!.but I could be blind!.

Graphic novels work a little differently than publishing a novel!. For one thing, you don't necessarily need an agent!. Tokyopop accepts all kind of submissions, but you have to follow their guidelines (they're listed)!.


Dark Horse comics still accepts unsolicited submissions, but they won't mail you back your documents (so don't send original art!.!.!.)


Del Ray seems lax with their submission guidelines:


Oh yeah, post manga/art questions in Drawing & Illustration next time, including publishing questions!. Some of those guys know a bit more about this than I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check Writer's Market at the public library to see if they have any manga markets!. You might be interested in the link below as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com