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Question: When you buy a new book do you!?!?!?!?
Do you sort of have a ritual before reading it!?

First, I crack the spine in multiple places (I only buy paperback!.)

Then, if I have purchased the book at Borders or Half-Price Books, I remove the price sticker!.

Next, I leave it on my bedside table for a few nights, picking it up and thumbing through it, reading passages at random!.
I write my name on the upper right hand corner of the first page -- initial of my first name, full last name!.

Then, this new book finds a home on one of my bookcase after I read it!.
Yes -- I am a weirdo!.

I mean I will sit and look at a book for a week before reading it!. I will sit and look at the cover, ponder which one to read first if i buy 3or 4, I will read all the reviews and try to see which ones I recognize, etc!.
I even smell the book!. I like the smell of fresh ink and paper!.
Does anyone else do this!? Or am I just a weirdo!?
If you do, what's your ritual!?
I don't wait a whole week before reading a book!. About 3 days!. I feel like I have to wait a day or so when I finish a book before starting a new one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Usually I look at the cover art because of my short attention span!. Or I ask a question on Y!A to see what books are good for me and I google them!. Then I read about the author (sometimes) to see if they deserve my money!. ( Just kidding )!. If I buy a book there are two ways it can go!.

Option one - It's going to be read in the next two days!.
Option two - It'll sit on my shelf for weeks, months, and sometimes years till it's picked up
Option three - I'll read then I'll get bored and stop in the middle of the book and never pick it up again

Yeah I need to get out of the house more!. I probably have like OCD with some of my books!. I also buy all my books from Borders and Half Price!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eh, I just peel off the price sticker, make a place for it on a shelf, and either start reading it immediately or (if I don't have time to read it at the moment) put it on the shelf!. =)

If you can call this a ritual, I am one of those annoying people who reads the first chapter or two and immediately follows it with the last chapter!. Then I go back and read the book straight through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the first 4-6 chapters, then skip to the ending, and then go back to finish reading the book (unless it is a wallbanger)!. And no, I don't mind knowing what happens in the end!. Yeah, I am wacky too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i buy a book its usually cause im 2 impatient to take it out at the library!.

i usually go up to my room, close the door and just read!.!.!. and read!.!. and read until its really late or im done!!


First thing I do is Examine the cover art on it!. Than I red about the author if there is one!. Then I crack the spine and begin reading =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!. I think the only "ritual" I have is to take off the sticker when I buy it!.!.!. otherwise I start reading it right away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's your ritual and it works for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com