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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Could someone please tell me what you think of my prologue?

Question: Could someone please tell me what you think of my prologue!?
The link will take you to the rough draft (before my editor sees it) of my prologue for my new book Under A Gypsy Moon that is set to come out in Spring 2009!.!.!. please let me know what you guys think of it!. Thanks I appreciate all the comments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
O-M-G! i loved it! it was really good!! when will i be able to get the real book!? will i be able to get it at barrnes and noble!? i loved it sooo much!! please email me with all the details!. please please please! i really really enjoyed it! thanks for letting me read it! but please get back to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

There's a lot of repetition!. For instance, you used the word "indeed" three times in the first paragraph alone!. I think that you could condense it by phrasing things more effectively!. And it's kind of a generic idea!. Sorry, I don't like to criticize, but you asked and I would rather give an honest opinion even if it's not always favorable!. Good luck though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked it!. You have a great plot that will easily bring a reader into your book!. But some times you used words that I didn't think went well with the time era you are writing about!. But other than that I thought it was really god!. I'll be looking out for your book in Spring 2009!. Best of luck with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com