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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can't remember the title of a book~~> About a group of kids who are trapp

Question: Can't remember the title of a book~~> About a group of kids who are trapped in a bathroom during an air raid!.
I can't remember any details, just the main idea!. Does anyone happen to know it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like Dark Hours by Gudrun Pausewang!.

"Entombed following a bombing raid at the close of World War II, three children struggle to survive!.

On Gisel''s 16th birthday, her world, like the war effort, begins to crumble!. Her father is away, serving in the German army, when the advancing Allies force the rest of the family to flee their home!. Gisel, her younger brothers, and their pregnant mother board a crowded train!. But when their mother goes into labor, the children are separated from her at the next station!.

Before they know what''s happening an air raid siren sounds, and Gisel barely manages to hustle her siblings into a trackside bathroom!. When the bombs hit, the children are trapped!. As they await rescue, Gisel''s only adult communication is with a dying soldier, buried on the other side of the wall, who offers guidance on how to survive!.

Told as a grandmothers birthday gift to her 16-year-old granddaughter, Dark Hours is a suspenseful and dramatic novel about the injustice of war, its impact on ordinary people, and the hope that resonates in the human soul!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Dark Hours" by Gudrun Pausewang
A grandmother tells her granddaughter the story of how she spent her sixteenth birthday trapped in a bathroom with her younger siblings after an air-raid attack on Germany during the end of WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you thinking about the premonitions leading up to the climatic scene in "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving!? That's what the description reminds me of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trapped- Neil OderfayWww@QuestionHome@Com