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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do 'cannon' and 'fannon' mean (i think it has something to

Question: What do 'cannon' and 'fannon' mean (i think it has something to do with literature so that's this is here)!?
I've seen the phrases EVERYWHERE and I have no clue what they mean, and it's driving me INSANE! Please help meh! Gracias!.

P!.S!. If it doesn't have something to do with books and stuff (but i'm pretty sure it does!.!.!.) I'm sorry i took up space here!. But I must know! THank yooooou!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Canon is what is in the original context and is what is accepted as the original!. For instance, Harry Potter having black hair, green eyes and a lightening bolt scar is considered CANON!.

Fanon is what the fans use so much that it is as widely accepted, however, because it's not in the original text, it is not considered canon!.

Canon is also used a lot in the Role Playing world!. For instance, if you're a fan of D!.Gray-Man (which is a manga) and you decided to join a DGM rp, you would most likely want to create a canon character!. This means that it is a character from the story and acts the same/knows the events as the character in the main story does!.

Now, that branches off into a million different directions (AU! Allen is not the same as Canon! Allen, for instance), but hopefully this answered your question~!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Canon = In the accepted literature or media!. ('Genesis' is a canonical book of the Bible; 'The Two Towers' is a canonical book of The Lord of the Rings; 'The Trouble with Tribbles' is a canonical episode of Star Trek!.)

Fanon = In the accepted fandom; canonical for fandom purposes!. ([Random Story Here], on Fictionpress, is such a well-known and popular story that it is part of the fandom canon (or fanon) for [Show XYZ!.])

Note you can have some crossover--Star Trek and Star Wars novels, though written as fandom, may be canonical when they're recognized by the people who control the shows, for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com