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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have u read the twilight series and not liked it?

Question: Have u read the twilight series and not liked it!?
I personaly love the twilight series but i was just wondering if anyone has read the whole twilight book and honestly not liked itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well i love it!.
and everyone i know that has read it loved it!.
but we are all girls!.
i have, however, recently, gotten one of my guy friends to read twilight
he's been reading it for 2 days so far and hes on page 252 or something
and he hates it!.!.!.or so he claims!.
however, although he may not admit it, he is addicted!. i can see he's caring for the characters and he even asked for help to understand some parts!. i know he's interested in it!.
so i'm just waiting for him to crash and admit he's inlove with it too :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES! OMG, everyone obsesses over the series, and I find it mediocre at best!. It's not horrible, but it is not as fantastic as many people proclaim it to be!. The are MUCH better authors out there!. Besides, people like it not because it is particularly well written, but because it is exciting/exhilariting!. It is plot driven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't like the book, since I thought it was a little too trite!. The being in love with vampires was kind of boring too!. I guess I'm just not a romance-y novel fan!.

Twilight lovers, please don't give me a thumbs-down because I didn't like your current obsession!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I've read Twilight and the first 50 or so pages of New Moon, didn't like them, and this question has been asked (many times) before!.

If you want to know my reasons why I don't like it, please scroll down a bit & find my answer here:
!.!.!. Because frankly, my dear, I don't feel like typing all that out again!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't have asked that question!. Some people here on Y!A are pretty opposed to that series!. Some have very strong opinions against that book, and they will most likely give you a detailed answer on how much they hated that book!.

But I loved it!. :)


Yes i know of people on Y!A that are like ridiculasly mean about it so if you dont want to be offended i would say this isnt a good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I read it, and it was horrible!. Worse than House(Peretti), and House sucked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You *shouldn't* have asked!. You should have *searched*!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like them a lot but I can't really read them over and over againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go read some Anne Rice, maybe Merry Shelly!. Tsk tskWww@QuestionHome@Com