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Question: I have a friend who doesn't want to read!.!?
How do I get my friend to read even though setting an example doesn't work!. We both want to be vets but if she hates reading I'm not sure we will be able to!. And if I tell her that reading makes you smart she gets mad and thinks that I am calling her stupid!. And she doesn't want to sign up for the summer reading program because she thinks that all I am doing it for is for the corny prizes!. Help!?!!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You were lucky in that your brain is wired right to enjoy the written word!. Your friend's might not be!. She might find it easier to do audio books or her skills might lie in another area entirely!.

Don't push it!. If your friend wants to be a vet badly enough, she'll buckle down!. If not, she will find another career!. That doesn't mean you can't still be friends!.

What you can do is share tidbits you've learned!. Ask her what she thinks about this fact or that!. You can have some pretty good arguments, uh, heated discussions, over some things!.

Oh, and don't give up the summer reading program!. That will just have to be one activity you don't share!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe she has a problem reading , like dyslexia or maybe she's just not a good reader and she's embarressed about it!.

I have a friend who hates to read because she was taught the wrong way and she had to learn how to read all over again!.

Maybe you could like get a book or magazine that she might be interested in and like casually mention some of the articles or whatever the book is about and how interesting it is!. If you make a big deal about it, it might spark her interest to read it on her own!.

But then again some people just don't like to read, so you may never get her to read anything!.

Good Luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading, and I think reading is one the best things in the world!. But just because I think that doesn't mean I can change one's opinion, just like you shouldn't try to either!. If someone doesn't want to read, that's their problem! They are missing out on one of the best things in life!. Yeah, reading helps with a lot of things, like spelling, and improving someone's education!. But that doesn't mean she's stupid!. Everyone is different and like different things: that's what makes people special!. Thank God for that!. If everyone were the same, the world would be a very boring place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you thought of a reason that she just wouldn't want to read!? My friend has dislexia and hates reading!. Other kids don't like it because their vocabularies are under devolped, therefore making it hard for them to understand things!.

In the meantime, be sure to focus on you because in the end, you are all you will have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you tried suggesting books that are about things that interest her!? Maybe all of the ones that she has tried to read before bore her, so now she thinks that all books are boring!. If not maybe there isn't anything you can do, you just have to let her make her own choices!. Hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she doesn't want to read, don't try to force her!.

Her senses will eventually come to her!.

She's obviously aggravated at your blatant attempts at throwing reading at her, in which it should come naturally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't change her opinion about reading!. if she doesn't want to read then you can't make her!. you should let her make her own decision and she will find out the consequencesWww@QuestionHome@Com