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Question: Looking for a book desperately!! (Don't know title or author)!?
I'm going crazy trying to google a certain book that I read a few years ago!. No matter how many keywords I type in, nothing right seems to come up!.
The book was something about:
A boy and a girl from our world travelling to another world and finding there are "monsters" there who chase them!. It turns out that that world was another dimension (4-D, I think) and the boy is assigned to guard the lower dimension (2-D) by the end of the book!. The book described our inability to fully grasp the 4-D world, and used the analogy of 2-D beings trying to understand a 3-D presence (I think the author used a pool-diving reference)!. It had interesting bits that I can vividly remember, like how the boy caught the girl dimension-travelling because her eyebrow was backwards or something like that!. And ketchup here is different in 4-D, it tastes sweet, and stuff like that!.

Anyone recognize the title or author of this teen sci fi novel!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The Boy Who Reversed Himself" by William Sleator
"In The Boy Who Reversed Himself, the narrator is an exploitative, selfish
kid in high school who gradually learns about real friendship and
commitment from the geeky boy who just moved in next door -- Omar, who
passes into the fourth dimension at will!. There's only one side effect --
he comes back completely reversed!. The narrator quickly learns how
disconcerting that can be!. Most food tastes terrible to her!. Catsup,
however, becomes an intoxicant!. She doesn't realize how serious a business
it is to travel from one dimension to another until it's almost too late --
but eventually she gets her act together!. Besides creating a fine character
story!. Sleator manages to deal with interdimensional travel so clearly that
it is actually possible to understand the experience of having to deal with
ana and kana, as well as up and down, forward and back, left and right!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Woah - it sounds cool! I'm not sure what that is!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to whatsthatbook!.com & give all the details (and any more you may remember) you gave us!. They should be able to help you!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Boy Who Reversed HimselfWww@QuestionHome@Com