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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you guys think of my prologue for my next novel?

Question: What do you guys think of my prologue for my next novel!?
the following is the rough draft (meaning before my editor sees it- so you don't have to fret over my grammar) of my prologue for my next novel called Under A Gypsy Moon, to be released Spring 2009!.!.!. I just thought I would see what you guys thought of it!.!.!.!. Let me know please, and criticism doesn't bother me (as a writer I get it all the time!.!.!.!.something all of us have to get used to I guess!.) Ok well here it is:
The Kingdom of Bín Orían
Year 693

The young man woke from his disturbing dreams and peered around the darkened chamber to assure himself that all was indeed well!. He couldn’t even remember falling asleep the night before, but there he was lying half-clad on his bed alone!. The fact that he was indeed alone in his bed should have troubled him, since rarely did he not have a willing woman warming his sheets and his person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i really liked it!.!.!.

but you never said what the protagonist (well i'm assuming he's the protagonist)'s name is!.!.!.i don't know if it was intentional or not!.

i wouldn't recommend posting it on a public site like this for fear of someone stealing your work!.

anyway, good luck with your book

under a gypsy moon- i'll remember the name and check it out when it's released in stores!. i was hooked

