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Question: Odd Thomas!?
My friend and I recently decided that since all of the state tests and such were finally done for the school year, we'd switch books!. I had her read Twilight and she had me read Odd Thomas!.

Odd Thomas was the most amazing book I have ever read in my life! It's almost as good as Twilight, maybe even better!. Has anyone here ever read it!? What did you think of it!? The end literally brought me to tears!. It was so well written!. I can't wait to read the rest of the series!. Soo!.!.!.!.!.what did everyone think of it!? Did you love it as much as me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course it is better than Twilight!. It was written by a better author!. I must warn you the series kind of has its ups and downs!. Some people don't like the second one as well!. Some don't like the third!. But Odd is an amazing character!. When you finish those, try the two Christopher Snow books by Mr!. Koontz!. Christopher Snow is a character very similar to Odd!. also amazing!. I would love to see him team the two of them up!. It would make a great book!. Glad to see you expanding your mind and finding other things to read!. Congratulations!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously loved that book but I have never seen the rest of the series (and I seriously love serial books!) my bf's mom bought it for me one year randomly but I love Dean Koontz!!! I think I was most drawn to the character development even though the storyline was awe inspiring too!.!.!. I felt like I knew these people and lived in their world! glad you enjoyed it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeah, I love that book!. It is better written, deeper, and has more substance than Twilight!. It is so sad too! My little brother cried when he finished it and he was in science class!. He's 15 and I made him read it!. He was embarassed to be crying at school, but I think it's cute!. Very good book! Get out of the teen love fiction section!. There are more books as good as Odd Thomas out there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed the 'Odd Thomas' books, including 'Odd Hours'!. If you enjoy Dean Koontz, then I recommend Stephen King - try his new one, 'Duma Key', or one of his 'Bachman' books, 'The Long Walk' or 'The Running Man' (which bears no resemblance to the unfortunate movie)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The entire series is magnificent even if the story faulters for the simple fact that Dean Koontz is a master at what he does and is one of the greatest wordsmiths of our time!.!.!. His characters are very in depth especially in a series told from a first person point of view such as the odd thomas series and the christopher snow series!.!.!. seize the night and fear nothing!.!.!. another great book by this author that is one of my favorites is life expectancy!.!.!. it has such irony that its histerically funny but with thrills that keep you on the edge of your seat!.!.!. Intensity is another superb thriller!.!.!. I have read over thirty Koontz novels and i wont lie, not all are great and some seem to be Just stories!.!.!. but i dont regret reading one!. Mr!. Koontz's wit never fails to impress me in even his afterwords, which i have become addicted to reading as well!. I just finished Odd Hours a few days ago and while a lot of things go unexplained completely!.!.!. You find in Odd, as in the rest of the series, a friend that you feel like you know and you believe is real!.!.!. the wit from Mr!. Thomas is the reflection of Mr!. Koontz's wit and a fine example of his skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the Odd Thomas series and am looking forward to more books!. I read that there should be at least 6 novels!. So far my least favorite is the second one: Forever Odd!. However, I still enjoyed the book!. Odd Thomas is a wonderful character!.

Persiphone's suggestions about 1-you reading Fear Nothing and Seize the Night (the two Christopher Snow books) and 2-about Dean Koontz teaming Odd Thomas with Christopher Snow are both brilliant!.

I'd recommend that you also read some other Dean Koontz books like Watchers, From the Corner of His Eye, The Face and more!.

I haven't read Twilight, but I've heard that some classic books are mentioned like Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte!. I'd recommend that you read that one as well as Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and my favorite: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen!. Then I'd recommend that you read the first Thursday Next novel - The Eyre Affair - by Jasper Fforde!. Talk about really unique and interesting!.!.!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com