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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Uliysse or Odysseus? which one is the hero of odyssey of homer?

Question: Uliysse or Odysseus!? which one is the hero of odyssey of homer!?
in my reference Uliysse in both Iliad and odyssey is the hero!.
he is the son of Laert he is from Ithaca and he is the father of Telemachus!.
in my ref Odysseus is the grandson of Etholicus!.

can the names could change after many years!.i mean maybe the european has changed it becasue Odysseus is near to odyssey

but where ever i go its Odysseus the hero of the odyssey
!.in other way tell me who is Uliysse if he is not the hero and the creator of trojan horse and all the other details on topWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually it's the same person!.
In Homer's original work is mentioned as Odysseus in both the Iliad and the Odyssey!. Ulysses is the Latin translation of the Greek name Odysseus (Οδυσσ?α?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Odysseus is in the Odyssey!. Ulysses is the Roman (Latin) counterpart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also, Odyssey comes from Odysseus!.

The main characters of the Iliad are Achilles and HectorWww@QuestionHome@Com