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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who is 'Laurent' in New Moon (Twilight)?

Question: Who is 'Laurent' in New Moon (Twilight)!?
I am reading New Moon, in chapter 10 -- The meadow, where Bella is in the woods and sees Laurent!. I forgot who Laurent is!. I tried to go back in look in the first book but I couldn't find him!.!. Who is he!? Is he good or bad!? What has he done previously!? Anybody who can easily fill me in gets 10 points? Thanks everyone!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Laurent was one of the three nomad vampires!. If you recall from the first book (Twilight) they were playing baseball when threee vampires came, James Laurent and Victoria and Laurent was the calmer "leader" one who didnt want to be against James or for James so he left to Denali!. He was, i guess, good in Twilight since he wasnt the one who attacked Bella but in New Moon he is pretty much bad because he comes back to Forks to kill Bella, unsuccessfully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was with James and Victoria!. when the Cullens first met them in the baseball field they thought Laurent was the leader!. He went back to the Cullens' house and told them that he didn't want to join their group but he didn't want to follow James on the hunt for Bella either!. so he went to Denali (at least that's what he said) then he comes back in New Moon and tries to get Bella as a favor from Victoria!. so he turns out to be a bad guy!. hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laurent is one of the nomad vampires!.!.!. he leads a group of non-vege vampires(if u know what i mean)!.!.!. he ran away when Edward and James started to fight over Bella!.!.!. bcoz the nomads were outnumbered by the Cullen family!.!.!. i think he ran off to Tanya's house!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laurant was part of the pack that tried to kill Bella!. It was the leader, him, and the leader's girlfriend!. He got "saved" and went away!. I don't want to tell you the rest and spoil it for you so I made it as simple as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laurent is a bad vampire that is threatening edwards' covent!. i dont like him because who would want to hurt edward lol i love him!.

i read the books a while ago, so i hope this is right!. cant wait to see the twilight movie!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

laurent is the guy that worked with james and victoria they are "nomads" they drink human blood and laurent is after bella beacuse edward killed james to save bella !hes a bad vampire!! its a great book !cant wait for the forth one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the one in twilight who was with victoria and james!. he left because he didnt want to kill bella and he went to live with the denali family!.!.!.!.but all that has changed in new moonWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was with James and Victoria he left cause he didnt want trouble at Carlisle's hose on Twilight when they were planning on fooling James !.!.!. He wasnt mean on Twilight though !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laurent is the dude that was with Victoira and James!. So he is bad!. He really did not do anything in twight!. Hope it helps!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com