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Question: What's your opinion on!.!.!.!?
Authors who create characters to suit their names!. For example, if someone named a character "Jewel," and they turned up to be a princess, or "Leech," and they turned up to be a nosy, suck-up servant or slave!?

Or, to go more in depth, when authors create their characters names based off their personality!? An example of that one could be "Ethan," meaning strong!.

Just curious what others think- I personally think it's corney, but at times, it proves to be very suitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's stupid and lazy on the part of the writer and insulting to readers!. Like Bella Swan!. The Ugly Duckling who is eventually going to be a swan!. Or Jacob Black (Native American - not white - how racist!) Cliche!. There are so many names out there and you can dig so much deeper to come up with ones that suit the personalities!. Personally I search for interesting names with interesting meanings, but I am also interested in harmonics - how the two names sound together!. They should resonate!. I did the same thing with my son!. I named him Travis - French for Crossroads because he was a turning point in my life - my crossroads!. I didn't want something obvious!. I prefer subtlety!.

No, I really don't ever think it's suitable to use hokey obvious names like that!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it just is symbolic of the character's purpose and personality!. It can be hw a reader judges a character too - Lestat De Lioncourt, for example, a beautiful, wealthy, flamboyant character, would not be taken as what he was if he were nmed Eustace Bergonbocker!. So sometimes it is quite a rational choice - and the author obviously isn't lazy if they looked into the meanings of so many names!. It shows that the story has structure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think those obvious names like"Jewel" and "Leech" are corny and lazy!. An Author could go so much more in-depth if they wanted to give meaning to their characters' names!.
Names like "Ethan" are much better because it's not so obvious!. It's more like a little puzzle the readers can figure out for the fun of it, instead of a slap in the face!. Names are really important to me, so I can't stand it when they seem too corny or cliche!.
Like: I love Harry Potter, but it bothers me so much that every one of the house founders has alliteration in their names!. My mom says I should forgive things like that because it's a children's book, but it's just!.!.!. so improbable that I can't stand it!. >!.<;Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like it when it has to do with personality and it's well hidden, like you said, with Ethan- not something obvious like Jewel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's very poetic and gives the story some symbolism, but I think I prefer originality over personality/horoscope/personification in names!.
It's even better if you didn't realize it until later!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it, well with ACTUAL names like Ethan, Not Leech!.

It shows that they did their research on the characters and put a lot of thought into their story :)Www@QuestionHome@Com