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Question: Who has felt such as this!?
I'm a very creative person!. :)
However I seem to have hit a road block!.
I have a story that I would love to tell but I have no way to tell it to the people of my generation!.
I'm a very capable writer, but I can't put it in print because thanks to "Hukt On Foniks" and Leap Frog no one can read it without help / a pen that makes the words speak!. :/
I'm a wonderful artist, but the last time I tried to put a plot line in comics I actually had someone come up to me and say, "I don't get it, it's not very funny!."
And I'm WAY to young to hope to make it into a movie, one that people of this horribly illiterate generation might actually watch!. I'm stuck with one of the most fatal kinds of writer's block!. The one where you know what to write about, but not how!. :(
Anyone else ever had this problem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try thinking of something else to write about, or make your story adapt to a higher, more intellegent target audience!. Hah, Leap frog!.!.!. you've got to admit, it is a creative, helpful invention!. But anyways, I know what it's like to get writers block, and it's not fun at all!. I usually scrap everything and start over, fresh; a new notepad, making my story evolve to fit me!. I try not to think of the readers I may influence, but usually, when I think of them- that's when the block starts!. You never know how to impress others, so just write what's on your mind!. Who cares if others don't get it, don't think it's funny, can't read it!.!.!. it's your story, just get it done! You'll feel great once you've finished!. :) I promise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, I don't have that problem because I simply have trouble getting people to read in the first place!.!.!. which is slightly different!. ^^;

I'd say you should just write it as you want to!. Once you've written it, you can edit it to make it "more readable" to most people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have that feeling too!.

What I ususally do is I take my idea, and expand on it!. I research and research until I know what I am goingto say!.

Then I just sit down at myu computer and start writing :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have that feeling a lot actually :(Www@QuestionHome@Com