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Question: Arewn from Lord of the Rings biography!?
My middle name is Arwen and I've had people ask if I was named after her!. I wasn't, but I would like to know what image the name Arwen brings up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well since the movies have come out I automatically think of Liv Tyler (ick!.!.!.)

But before that I would have associate Arwen with beauty and sadness!. Beauty because she is an elf and is described as being one of the most beautiful of her kind since Luthien Tinuviel (the fairest of all elves)!. Sadness because she gave up going with her people to the Grey Havens in order to stay with Aragorn who she outlived along with her children and grandchildren!. She ended up dying of grief!.

Here's a pretty complete bio of her from Answers!.com

I highly recommend reading Lord of the Rings!. They're brilliant books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com