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Question: Perspective question!?
My book is all written in first person, but there's a section(a chapter or 2) where the main character is unconscious!. Am I allowed to switch to third person!? If so, would it confuse the readers!? If not, any ideas on what I could do instead!? If not, I could make her be paralized but still listening; but that seems kind of cliche!. Or I could make her have a dream about what's going on around her and it really is!. Any suggestions/advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you write in First Person, it becomes that character's book!. You cannot easily shift the narration!. If your character is unconscious, then there should be no narration at all!. The character is narrating your book!. And if he is unconsious he cannot narrate at all!. He must be present at the scene to narrate it!. However, he may come to know about the things which happened later on!. Describe them in that order!. How he came to know all that had passed when he was unconcious!.

Hope it helped!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think shifting perspective would be weird, unless you do it throughout the novel!. If you do it just one time, it's odd!.

You might do something like:

"I would later find out that while I was unconscious!.!.!.!.!. *insert what happened here*"

Or have another character tell him/her later what happened while s/he was unconscious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com