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Question: Are there other Christians who read books like the "Twilight" and "Harry Potter" series!? -Read Details Please!
I'm Christian, and I LOVE to read these fantasy novels, and I get criticized for liking these books, because others feel convicted about reading them or don't think they're deemed "readable" by someone pursuing a relationship with God!.

I know that I personally will keep reading the books, regardless of what others say, but I wanted to hear other opinions anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a Christian and I have read all 7 Harry Potter and some of the Twilight novels!. There is nothing there that will keep you from having a relationship with God unless you let something keep you from it!. There is nothing wrong with reading those books as long as you don't put them in spot #1 and put Christ in #2!. As long as He is always first, I don't think you have anything to worry about!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Christian and have read all books in both series!.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it or how it would go against the bible!.

I think alot of people that are very Christian feel that anything to do with magic is evil or is of Satan!. So if you read Harry Potter or Twilight, you are allowing Satan to influence you!. I think it is much the same as how people view music!. If you listen to rock or rap, or music that cusses, you are allowing Satan into your life!.

I think it's crap personally!. I am still a good person with strong beliefs, and I don't believe God will send me to hell because I read some Harry Potter books and books about vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're confusing your sect's rules with dogma accepted by all Christians!. Most Christian sects (by number or per person) don't worry about forbidding a person to read any fiction!.

Odds are the people that claim this, aren't readers and as such like a theology that helps them justify their dislike of reading and thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate it when people get on my case like that!. I'm a Christian and I love Harry Potter books!. It also has outstandingly Christian morals, like the one that love will always beat evil!. What is Jesus if not love incarnate!? And I also love the Twilight books, though I don't like Bella or Edward!. I read them for Jacob and Alice!.
People have no right to judge these types of books until they've read them!. Fantasy novels are by no means evil!. Most of them are about good triumphing over evil!. What is unchristian about that!? People automatically assume that magic is evil because there are people on this Earth who serve demonic entities to have 'magical' abilities!. However, fantasy books are just that, fantasy, and thereby not set in our version of this world!. Magic may be wrong in real life, but it can do no harm in a novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i too LOVE God, and im also a big fantasy reader, books about magic and dragons and the unbelivable are really cool!. its just fun to have something interesting to read!. i dont actually believe in magic, im not some crazy fan comvinced im gonna marry harry potter!.

and besides, there are a few christian things in harry potter that you could connect (good vs evil, harry dieing to save his friends)!. i dont know why some christians are so against it!.

well actually i didnt like twilight cause it was too much about the romance and not enough magic and stuff in it! hehe

you should read Narnia! i love those books! God and fantasy all in one!! (which is what im doing in the stories im writing!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly, I am NOT a Christian, but I do appreciate that many people are!.

Secondly, if anyone tells you you shouldn't read a book for that reason, tell them where to stick it! They're your eyes, you read what you like, my dear!. If people think HP or Twilight are against their religion, they don't have to read them, but they shouldn't stop you reading them!.

Lastly, you probably don't need reminding that this is FICTION!. JKR and Stephanie Meyer know that vampires and magic don't exist, they're just writing stories!. No-one should take them as the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I am not a christian but I do believe in God and are in love with both of those series!. As far as I am concerned God is perfect and all loving so I don't see why God would condem you for reading those kinds of books!. I also don't see why God would really care and I don't see how what types of books you read would stop any relationship you are pursuing!. If it was me I would say those people are closed minded and what relationship I have with God is different from theirs!. Well at least that is what I see and think! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! A high percentage of the world's population in Catholic!. I'm not sure how much exactly, but it's pretty high!. Most people don't mind it at all, me included!. :)

I read tons of fantasy, myself!. I even LOVED His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, which is really hated by most Christians!. ;) But seriously, everyone loves fantasy!. Or most people, anyways!. You just shouldn't believe it and act like it's the one truth, etc!. MAGIC IS NOT REAL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm christian and my faith is the most important thing to me!.!.!.yet i love to read fantasy novels!. the way i see it, if you are able to seperate fiction from reality, then there is no reason why you should not be able to read these books!. you know the truth and you know what you believe, and if a book can sway you in a different direction, then your faith wasn't so strong to begin with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i go to church every sunday and i read the bible and i read twilight and harry potter!.!.!.!. Why are they deemed evil!? they were made up by a womans imagination and in no way did either of them impact peoples relationships with god!.!.!. in harry potter thay celebrate christmas in twilight charlie(bellas dad prays) just because they have supernatural powers that make them different doesnt mean god hates them! they are fantastic! anything that got that many young people reading should be praised not critisized no matter whatWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a Christian, and I've read Harry Potter and loved it!. I've read Twilight as well, but I don't like it!. I don't think the books draw you away from God or anything, though!. Some have different opinions, though!. You know, what's funny, is that I've heard so much criticism for HP, yet none for Twilight (from a Christian perspective, that is!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

proof: my sites

Harry Potter fan
proof: my site

Being a reader of Harry Potter - or any other book - does not signify that the reader is using that book as a guide for their life!. A Christian is not someone who reads the bible; a Christian is someone who strives to follow the principles laid out by Jesus and the apostles and recounted in the bible!. Likewise, a Christian is not "unmade" by reading Harry Potter, unless the Christian chooses to use Harry Potter as a more authoritative or important guide for their life than the teachings of Jesus and the apostles!.


i am a very strong Christian and my parents get mad at me for reading both those series all the time!.I mean there really is no harm in reading those books!.its not like we are gonna turn into some kind of demon kids!.I say just keep reading the books!.There really no harm in them as long as you keep ur faith in god and keep him first = ]

~God bless <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im a christian too and ive read twilight and harry potter!. I know ehh!?!? i keep hearing how more and more catholic schools are even removing them from their libraries :S i dont really understand it though!.!. i mean its just fiction right!?

afterall, we're onle READING about it!. its a pretend world that allows us to 'broaden our imagination!.' and anyways!.!. i dont see the problem to begin with!. yes im catholic, but why shold that mean i have to restrict myself!? i still feel close to God (if not closer) after reading these types of books!. the violence (what little there is) makes me feel more thankful for everything i have been blessed with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE reading Harry Potter books!.
I've read every single one of them
and im a huge fun

and im also a huge christian
and i get told off alot by my family and other people
because they say if goes against god
but i love god and those books
its just made up and i love themWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i do, i just don't like pretend i am magical, or that i am a vampire, i like reading them, but i don't beleive that it actually happenedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ya, I'm a Christian too and I also love fantasy novels, but I never get criticized for reading them so I don't know, I think it isn't bad to read them as long you still worship God! :) hope that helps!

God BlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

i am christian and i LOVE THOSE BOOKS so just because someone says something(which i have never gotten) but if someone does then tell them its what you want to do, and you should continue to read them because you love them<3

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, im a christian but really, i dont see anyone criticizing me for reading them!. I am a HUGE HARRY POTTER FAN!. if u like it, i think u should continue reading them!. as long as u read the bible also, i guess!. good luck!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a Christian and I LOVE to read the "Twilight" series, but I don't like the "Harry Potter" series as much because it's not as interesting!. I don't think there is anything wrong with reading the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Christian and I also love Harry Potter!. My entire family is Christian and we all love Harry Potter!. Most of my friends are Christian and most of them love Harry Potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a Christian, and see no reason to not read the Harry Potter or Twilight books!. I enjoy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a Christian, like all of my friends, and most of my friends read Harry Potter (i do)!. They are only books, they are fiction!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

kk well im not a Christian but like u said just keep reading it!! cuz Twilight is awsome!! and Harry Potter is ok(i didnt mean that in a bad way)!

GO TEAM EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Christian, and I read both series!.
Some people are a little extreme in their beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im a christian and i read those books, and u can love the bible and god along wit other stuff =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a christian and i read these books, dont worry about what others say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i am a catholic and they basically are the same thing and I LOVE TWILIGHT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

At the core, they're just stories of good vs!. evil!. And that is as timeless a theme as the Bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Christian and I love both series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, i feel the same way i am too cristian and people believe tht it is wrrong!. there is nothing wrong with it!Www@QuestionHome@Com