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Question: Percy Jackson and the Olympians!?!?
has anyone else read that series!? if u havent, u must! they r really good!! anyway, i just finished book four, but at the end of book four, it says Percy has been rewarded with his third bead on his necklace!. why doesnt he have four!? he has one for the 1st book, the 2nd book, the 4th book, but not the third!.!.!.!.y not!?!? (1st bead has Pseidon's trident for discovering he was Poseidon's son, 2nd bead has a golden fleece for retreiving the golden fleece, 3rd bead has a maze for the labyrinth, y doesnt he have one that has like a tornado or something for stopping Atlas in book 3!?!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Titan's Curse was set in between the second and third summers!. Since it was months before summer started, there wouldn't be a bead!.
EDiT: Rick Riordan hasn't released the title of Book 5 yet, but it will probably be released in May '09!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cause in book 3 it takes place during winter so he didn't survive a whole nother year!. in book 4 he does!. That is such an awesome series!. Book 4 was great but Annabeth didn't get together with him!. There's always book 5Www@QuestionHome@Com