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Question: Do you like jacob!?
from twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
NO! I hate Jacob!. He's such a jerk, he's too immature, and he makes out with Bella when he knows she loves Edward! I can't stand him!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. He's selfish, indignant and needs to learn respect!.

He ruined Bella's life!.

People say that it was to protect her mortality, but they're so, SO wrong!. He wanted her for himself!. End of story!. He was so self centered that he was willing to run the risk of ruining her life!. Say that she'd chosen him and that, for fifteen years, they were happily married with a kid or two!. And then, Jacob imprints!. What then!? Bela is left even more heartbroken that when Edward left, because this time, she KNOWS the guys she's in love with doesn't love her, the kids life is forever destroyed because their father found someone better than their mother, and both of them are left with the peice of their mangled lives!.

But she chose Edward, and is now facing the guilt of loving two men!.

He made her realize that, not only does she love two men, but she can't have one of the men she loves!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

At fist i though he was just some kid who wouldn't be that important and was only there to help Bella find out that Edward was a Vampire!. Jacob really hasn't done anything that bad considering that Bella in going to turn herself into a vampire and become his mortal enemie and all this while he still loves her and she is also getting married to someone else! All in all i like him and feel extremely sorry for him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, actually, yes, I do!. But don't get me wrong, I HATE certain aspects of him!. But he really is a good guy, and he has a broken heart bc of bella, so i guess he does have a right to be bitter!. I just want him to end up w/ Tanya in the end, or some other really good girl and to get OVER Bella!. I loooooove Bella and Edward, I mean, who doesn't!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I dont get is why people love Edward!.!.he's just a remote controller!. Ugh!.
Jacob is sweet, funny, the more realistic one, the hot one, the one who could give Bella a happy future, the protective but not overprotective one, the human one!. He's like, the one and only!. God, if I were Bella, I'd choose HIM over Edward!!!

And to the one who answered Jacob will imprint in like say, fifteen years after he and Bella's happily married!.!.!.!.you are so SO wrong!. Stephenie Meyer confirmed that NOT ALL WEREWOLVES must imprint!. Yea, it happens a lot, it's common, but not every werewolf has to imprint!.
There are some who fall in love naturally more subtly, just like Jacob!. I think it would never happen for Jake cos he said Bella is the only one he sees!.!.!.!.even when he closes his eyes!. And he loves Bella way too much to fall for another girl!.

I think if Edward gave them a chance, they (J and B) would be as happy as Edward and Bella!.!.!.maybe more!. With kids, love and all!.

I LOVE Jake and I was so depressed for him after Eclipse!. It was just!.!.!.SO HEARTBREAKING!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's my favorite character :) Though I like Team Edward better than Team Jacob, I absolutely love Jake as a character!. He's so interesting, and every single one of his lines make me laugh!. I really hope he doesn't just get tossed to the side during Breaking Dawn!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes yes yes and yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeesssssssss
i loved him but i was really happy that she chose edward!.
i mean it just would not be the same if she had not!.
but when i was reading them i was like omg i love him and him i don't know!!! ahhhhh


YES! He's the best character in the books in my opinion!. Funny and loving, dedicated and sweet, and I wanted to give him a big hug at the end of Eclipse!. And he's hot!. Literally!. What's not to love!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think it really describes him that well in the first one, as far i can remember!. it just seems like he is a little boy trying to impress bella with his storiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

At first, I didn't!.

But in Eclipse the readers got to understand him better, and I started to like him!.

( it was sad when he ran away to Canada :( )


no even in twilight! i knew he was trouble!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What kind of question is this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com