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Question: Novel Submissions!?
Okay, I have my novel all written and somewhat put together!. I want to know about really specific things in relation to the industry, such as formatting (font, spacing, size, etc) and how picky they are as far as grammar goes!. Does every sentence have to be a complete one!? My narrator is a very sarcastic teenager and she writes as she talks, which leads to a lot of incomplete sentences, such as "Great!."
also, does the typical essay writing rules as far as formatting apply!? You know, indent after each paragraph, each paragraph is about 5 sentences, etc!? I really suck at grammar!.
Are there any books on the subject you would recommend!? I know how difficult and long the question is, and I would like to know about any helpful books on the subject!. I'm willing to work for my novel to make it as correct as i can, but dont want to change too much!. Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would recommend getting Writers Market and reading the first section!. Most of your questions will be answered!.

As for formatting!. Generally double spaced!. 12 pt Times New Roman or Courier New ONLY!. No extra spaces between paragraphs!. One space after punctuation!. One inch margin all around!. Flush left - ragged right!. First sentence of each chapter starts halfway down the page!. Then you have to learn to use headers and footers to put in the proper personal information on the top of each page!. Pages do get out of order sometimes and a publisher needs that info!.

But before you submit a novel to a publisher, you do have to have your manuscript in perfect condition!. If a publisher sees a lot of errors, it goes straight to the slushroom and eventually fed to the paper shredder!. They just get so many that they have no time for amateur looking work!.

But most important, never never never send a manuscript to a publisher unless they request it!. First you send a query letter and synopsis!. You have to read the publisher's guidelines and follow them - to the letter!. In the case of the top ten publishers, when they say they do not accept unsolicited queries, they mean it!. Anything you send to them will be thrown away!. Only agents can approach them!.

Hope that helps!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

In creative writing you do not have to follow the strict essay format they teach in school!. Fragments are perfectly acceptable, if well done!. Paragraph lengths will vary somewhat based on what you are doing!. Some paragraphs are long, others can be only a single word long!.
I don't know what publishers will want as far as formatting, but don't try to do anything fancy!. Let your writing speak for itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Font size=12pt either New Times Roman or Courier
Spacing=double spacing w/ 1"margins
Word Count=40,000+ words depending on genre and publishing company!.
No you do not need to follow the rules of grammar 100%, but should have a basic use of grammar!.
Try to find the book "On Writing Well" by Stephen King!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Great!" is a sentence, but can be added to with, she said bitterly!. "Just freakin' great!"

Any good bookstore has how to's on grammer and spelling!.

You will need an agent!. Before that you will need a good editor!. Sending unsolistited mansuscripts to publishing houses gets them thrown away without being looked at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The basic manuscript formatting is as follows:

1!. One-inch margins top, bottom, left and right!.

2!. Font should be Times New Roman at size 12!.

3!. Submission format should be double-spaced!. The first paragraph need not be indented, but the subsequent paragraphs are indented!. Use "Format" tool to do this; not manually!.

4!. Cynthia Laufenberg's, "Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript" is a great reference book for the topic here!. Within are instructions ranging from query letters, synopses, briefs, outlines, follow-up letters, and more!. Instructions are there to show you how to include a proper cover sheet for your manuscript; that which includes name, address, title, and word count!.

5!. Grammar-wise, get in the habit now by eliminating the word OK as the first word of a sentence unless it is in dialogue!. Such practice shows the author as juvenile and amateurish!. Another reference book that would be most useful is Strunk and White's, "The Elements of Style!." Get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It needs to be as near perfect as you can make it BEFORE you send it out for query!. Do the editing and polishing now!.

No, every sentence doesn't have to be complete if that's your voice and it fits the tone of your novel!. Do make sure it's readable, though!. If you're going to break grammar rules in some places, make sure that it's for stylistic reasons, not just because you didn't know any better or because you didn't feel like doing the work!.

ELEMENTS OF STYLE by Strunk and White is your new best grammatical friend!.

Others have given you good formatting advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com