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Question: How many more Twilight books are coming out besides the first three!?
I read the first three of the Twilight series: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse and I absolutely loved them!. Now I know Breaking Dawn in coming out this summer but I'm wondering if thats the last book coming out for the series or no!? also, does anyone know when the movie is coming out!?

Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe after breaking dawn theres one more book in Edward's point of view!. It's called midnight sun!. Stephenie Meyer is still working on that one so no one knows the release date!. The movie comes out Dec!. 12, 2008!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

two technically is all she is planning
-breaking dawn(realeased on augest second and 12:01 am)
she is planning on writing a book called midnight sun which is the same plot as twilight but from edwards perspective!.!.!. so we will know where he is and what he is thinking!.!.!. but i hope she does the same thing for all four(she might not)

and after midnight sun she is either going to write a sequal to the host or go into her plot library and write another book!.

>hope i could help<3

>good luck<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn will be the last in the Twilight Saga, but Stephenie Meyer is re-writing Twilight from Edward's perspective!. This book is named Midnight Sun and there is no set date on it's release!. The first chapter of Midnight Sun is already up on Stephenie's website under the Midnight Sun tab!. I've read it and it's quite good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn is the final book of the saga sadly!.!.!.but there is another book Stephenie is working on called Midnight Sun which is Twilight from Edward's POV!. stephenie said she might write the books but in other people's POV!. so Breaking Dawn will be the last in Bella's perspective and it will end their story!. hope this helps! oh and the movie comes out December 12th!!! can't wait!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that breaking dawn is the last book
It comes out Aug!. 2nd(in case you weren't sure)
she's been writing twilight from edwards veiw
and will prob!. do more books in different views

The movie is out in December
either the 12th or the 20th of Dec!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking dawn is the next and last of the twilight series!.!.!.but twilight will be written in edwards point of view as midnight sun!. i am also thinking but im not sure that maybe Jacobs view!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The movie is coming out December 12!.

There is supposed to be a book called like Midnight Sun i think!. That's supposed to be Twilight from Edwards point of view!. I don't know whats after that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think breaking dawn is the last one
after that one there is gonna be the
twilight from edwards point of view
midnight sun

and check out the website to look for more up dates

Breaking Dawn-August 2nd
Midnight's Sun

I can't wait!. Yay!.

Movie-December 12!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes breaking dawn is the last
unless you count the midnight sun one- which is edwards perspective of twilight
and the movie comes out on
DECEMBER 12 !! :D woohWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is going to be one more book called Midnight Sun, but it's just Twilight in Edwards point of view!. The Twilight movie comes out on December 12, this year ^-^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Breaking Dawn is coming out in August!. There is supposed to be a book called Midnight Sun which is Twilight but from Edward's point of view!. The movie is coming out on December 12, 2008Www@QuestionHome@Com

other prople basically answered this but only one more in bellas view!.!.!.!.!.!.

and vote for the twilight cast here please :]


2- breaking dawn and midnight sun which is edwards twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only Breaking Dawn, though there will be the same books in different views!.Www@QuestionHome@Com