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Question: How can i write a romantic/mystery story!?
I decided that the setting of the story would be in London where Jack the ripper was killing!. The story would be something like a culprit who sees JTR as his "role model" or something!. Is this any good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a collector of books about the Ripper murders, I can say with reasonable certainty that this particular angle has never been done!.

The important thing to remember about the Ripper murders is that there were in fact several eyewitness descriptions of "Jack"!. It's a common myth that there weren't any!. Jack was described as a white male, approximately 5' 8", with brown eyes and a full mustache, possibly a handlebar one!. In two descriptions he was said to have been wearing a bowler hat, which marked him as a member of the middle class!.

FBI Profiler John Douglas speculated that the famous Ripper letters to the police were the work of either a copycat or a newspaper writer who was trying to fan the flames of public hysteria--in order to sell newspapers!. In this respect, I agree with him!. Of course, that doesn't mean that you have to in your book!.

Good luck!. I look forward to adding your Ripper book to my collection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't really ask us if it's any good by just saying "Oh, and this is one short sentence about the main idea!." No!. For all I know your main character could be a part time clown who has been abused all their life and recently had to flee America due to having too many library fees!. Really, in order to ask about a story idea you need to give WHO the characters are, WHAT the main plot is, WHEN and WHERE the relationships develop, WHY they're doing what they do (motives and such), and you yourself need to have an idea of where it's going--no "Or something's!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds good to me!. id read it!.
let me know if it gets published!Www@QuestionHome@Com