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Question: How to write an interesting adventure story!?
i am trying to write a story!. Something about an adventure i dont no how to start but i hate to start with once upon a time,or one day or down in the i need desperate help with this and story lines i dont no wat to base them on i start to think fantasy but it starts to just blab an i can never find an ending or a problem in the story i want to base my story on my family and animals and belongings and friends but put all of them in a different world e!.g!. a magic fantasy world plz help but plz dont tell me its up to me thank you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could start with people talking:
"Bob, where did you put my wand!!?"
"Kids, you will be late for school"

If it is for kids, direct the story at kids!.!. eg!.!.
A part kid that goes to school, and find out he/she is a :

Something like that lol!.
"Little Johnny always knew he was different, it wasn't until his 13th birthday that he finally realised just how different he was!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!.!.it depends on what kind of fantasy book you want to write!. Normally I would start it off with some cool action sequence to get the reader hooked from the begining!. If you don't have much action in the story then you could start by describing some cool creature or something in your book to make the reader's imagination start going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it useful to begin 'en media res' which means 'in the middle of the action'!.

Part of writing a good story is to SHOW what happens, not TELL us what happens!. So rather than saying "Johnny has gotten in a lot of trouble", you can say, "Johnny ran around the corner just ahead of the police officer on his tail!. Lucky for him, he was light and small and fast!." Already we know a great deal about this character: his body type, his speed, his penchant for trouble, his stubborn will (he runs rather than give up and be caught)!. In one sentence of action, you can reveal a great deal about your main character!.!.!. more than you ever could by just stating that the character is mischevious or brilliant or unkind!.

So I say start with an exciting scene or an escape or even a conversation!. Start a story with "once upon a time" only if you are attempting to emulate a specific, fairy-tale style or tone!. And definitely don't start with "one day"!. Begin with action and go from there!.
