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Question: Does this matter when it comes to reading!?
I can read on a really high level!. I am 16, but I read at a college level!. So does it matter if I like to read books like Harry Potter or other kids books!? Sometimes I read books intended for kids ages 10-13!. But no kid 10-13 would read a 800 page Harry Potter book!. None that I know of anyway!. So does it matter if I enjoy books that are below my reading level!. I just like fantasy, I Think that it is great to read about things that in real life, we would never get to experience!. So is it bad if I read below my reading comprehension level!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off, I don't think there's any such thing as a reading level!. I mean, maybe they can be used to gauge someone's "level of comprehension", but unless you're reading to impress someone else, I serously doubt it should be important to you!.

Keep in mind that the maturity and appropriateness of the content is not directly related to the "level" at which it is written!. For example, the New York Times is written at an 8th grade level (strange but true)!. Does that mean that it's wrong for anyone above the eighth grade to read the New York Times!? No, because it's about content, not the "level" of writing!.

One thing I will say is that a great deal of great works of literature are written at what would be considered a "high level"!. If you have an appreciation for literature, then I'm sure you'll appreciate them, and if you can read them, understand them, and appreciate them, then I'm sure you will seek them out, you will read them, and you will enjoy them!. Because if you don't, then does it really matter at what level you can read!?

Then again, there's no law saying what you can and can't read!. There happen to be some very good childrens' stories and childrens' novels out there, and if you want to read them, go ahead!. There's nothing wrong with it, and if you can indeed appreciate a good childrens' novel for what it's worth, then that shows a great deal of maturity on your part!.

At the same time, there are a lot of books written at a "high level" that are just terrible!. And I mean in content!. And don't forget about pedantry, and pretentiousness, and all the other evils that come with sophistication, or at least the illusion of sophistication!.

I say, read what you like!. That by no means prohibits anything because of its "reading level", but at the same time, you shouldn't let yourself be blind to anything!. And if you like fantasy, there's a pretty big fantasy canon out there that is at, how you say, a higher "comprehension level"

Remember, all Western literature is stolen from one of two people!. Either it's stolen from Shakespeare, who stole everything from the Greeks, or it's stolen from Tolkien who stole everything from Beowulf!. After that, there is no originality!. So I'd advise you check out the classics too, simply because they're classics for a reason!.

But yeah, don't get too caught up on your "comprehension level" As I said, in almost all aspects of your life it's completely meaningless, so don't let it interfere with things that really do matter!.

And just a little comment at the end in with regards to reading below your "reading level" being a "waste of your talent", as Persiphone_Hellecat says!.!.!.nah, I'd dismiss a comment like that if I were you!. Such a comment assumes that any book intended for a young audience is of no value whatsoever!.!.!.it also assumes that younger children are silly, foolish, and amused by shiny things!. As I said, a healthy balance is what's best, and there's nothing wrong with childrens' novels, so long as you appreciate them for what they are!. Besides which, I'll assume she's read at least a bit of the Harry Potter series herself!.!.!.otherwise, she'd be completely out of line making any sort of judgement about it, right!? I mean, it would be tantamount to lying!. So yeah, as I said, read what you will, but don't let yourself be unawares!.!.!.okay!? Good, I'm glad we could have this little chat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's kind of like asking, "is it bad to take a light stroll along the beach!?"!. If you are trying to train for a marathon and that's your only exercise, it's probably not the most effective use of your workout time!. However if your goal is to relax and you find a walk on the beach relaxing, it's perfect!

In other words, it depends upon your goal!. It's not bad to read books that are below your reading level for entertainment!. Stories are fun and engage our imaginations,

However if you want to increase your vocabulary and understanding of complicated syntax you'd be better off reading a book at a higher level!. You might find that you actually enjoy some of these books as much as Harry Potter stories, though they'll probably require more effort, so it really depends upon your mood!.

The books that you read for English class are the kind of books that should push you a little ways out of your comfort zone so that you can grow!.

I think it's good to have a balance of books that your read for pure enjoyment and books that you read to grow intellectually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no it is not bad to read at or below your comprehension level!. i am much older and one day i decided that i wanted to read the harry potter series!. i did!. but i liked listening to the cd's instead!. the deathley hallows is one of my fav books of all time!. i read a lot!. you could havve missed out on some great reads because you thought they were below your comprehension level!. read whatever you like!. no matter the comprehension level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no of course not like i read the lord of the rings at age nine, i mean it doens't get muchmoredifficultthen that so ever scinse then i have read all different levels of books and enjoyed them all!! you should read any book that sounds good!. and reread books even if they are to 'young' for you!. i have read the chronicles of narnia series every year so go ahead and read what you like!!!

>have fun with it<3

>good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hon thousands - millions of kids 10 - 13 have read Harry Potter!. Some a lot younger!. And not all of them have high reading levels!. Of course it doesn't matter if you want to read below your level, but you are wasting your talents if you do!. But that is your decision!. There are fantasy books of higher reading levels you know!? Lord of the Rings, Anne Mc Caffrey's Pern series, Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles!. But what you choose to read is your decision!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

No way!. If you didn't read books that are intended for younger readers you'd miss some awesome books and stories!.

As long as you enjoy what you read, who cares what age it's reccomended for!.
I'm 20 and I re-read the Harry Potter books quite a bit!. And last week I was reading Twilight :-PWww@QuestionHome@Com

No way! as long as your reading you are using your mind! Im 18 and like you read on a wayy higher level! i also read Harry Potter, Twilight [which i suggest you read!!], and many other "teen" books!. i also enjoyed Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner, all of her books are good!.!.!.highly recomended!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't matter at all!. If a book is interesting to you, that's all that matters!. There are no rules when it comes to reading! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

readins is fun!.!. thats wat counts!.!. not the so called reading levels!.!. Am 19 and still love reading comics strips!.!. though my levels r far far better!.!. though i don wanna read Harry potter but still u can, if you want!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com