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Question: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!?
Can someone explain to me about the whole "phlegm" pun about Fleur!? I really don't get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
fleur delacour is french!.
a lot of words in french use a strange noise that is not used in the english language that sounds kind of like you're clearing your throat of phlegm!.
it kind of makes that noise!.

so that's the answer!.
unless i've got the pun totally screwed up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First answer is correct - however, there is in addition to that this component (4th definition)


So it is a multi-level joke (which is why Harry found it so amusing) about
1) her accent
2) her attitude
3) the feelings she generates in others

all wrapped up in one "nickname"!.


Wow, I'm just started to reread this book because I'm such a loser!. :) Anyway, I always thought of it as she disgusts Ginny and Hermione because she's so annoying and, so they think, stupid!.

BTW in case you didn't know, phlegm is that mucus that you cough up when you are sick!. Ewwww!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phlegm is a nasty substance you cough up!. -Phl- and -Fleu- sound very similar!. Ginny found Fleur to be very annoying and disgusting!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's just an inside joke sorta thing!. Ginny finds Fleur to be annoying and revolting, just like Phlegm stuck in your throat!. That's probably how she came up with it!.


well fleur's french and she mispronounces english words so wht ginny/hermione did-mispronounce the name fleur!.!.as they find her so annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com