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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Good Literary Agent in Oregon?

Question: Good Literary Agent in Oregon!?
I wrote a "real life horror" novel as I like to call it!. I think of it as horror, but not like Stephen King's horror that involve creatures and beings that couldnt possibly be real!. My novel is about a vengeful murder (which could possibly be real)!. Anyway, its about 60,000 words and I really want to get it published!. I live in Portland, Oregon and I am looking for a local literary agent!. If you know of any please let me know!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Is there a reason your agent has to live in Oregon!? I think you will discover through a search on Publisher's Marketplace, which agents are looking for clients and the type of books they want to represent!. At 60,000 words, your Ms is actually a novelette size - since most printed books are over 70,000 words!. Keep this in mind when you actually start researching and decide if you're willing to take a chance on an agent in New York who has ties and connections to New York publishing houses or hooking up with an agent in the Northwest who is more interested in romances than horror stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com