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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why does everyone hate jacob black in twilight?

Question: Why does everyone hate jacob black in twilight!?
he's my favorite character and if it wasn't for edward leaving bella, she wouldn't have felt so empty!. then causing her to turn to jacob to help fill the void, in the process having the two become fond of eachother!. how did edward become the good guy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
SM loves Jacob!. He's her favorite character!. She said it upsets her that so many people hate him!. She thinks the reason that so many people hate him is because he is so misunderstood!. She said she thinks this is what happens:

"Person reads Twilight!. Person loves Edward!. Person read New Moon!. Edward leaves!. Person goes into shock and rushes through the book to find Edward again (in other words, they don't take the time to enjoy the scenes with Jacob and understand his character)!. Person starts Eclipse without understanding Jake's character!. Because of that, they think he's a jerk!. When he's anything BUT a jerk!."

On her website, she says everyone NEEDS to read New Moon at least twice!. Once they read it the first time, get over the shock of Edward leaving, and celebrating him coming back, she says they can go back and read the book again to take the time to enjoy Jake, since they know Edward will be coming back!.

I agree with SM 100%!. Generally, people who despise Jacob don't seem to understand him at all (that's not true for everyone, of course, but it's true for a lot of people)!. Generally, people who hate him say, "He got in the way of Bella and Edward because he's selfish and only cares about himself!. He doesn't care about Bella!. He's stupid!." Which goes to show that they don't understand Jake very well!. Ha!.

I think Jake is amazing!. I LOVE him!. He's my favorite character ever!. He is soooooo awesome!. Edward is NOT the good guy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it's because Edward has the whole hot-vampire-could-be-a-bad-guy but who-cares-because-he-is-hot thing going for him!. I used to be on Team Edward too, but then I realized that beyond Jacob's annoyance, he is probably as caring or more caring than Edward is!. So now I'm on the borderline!. I don't think Edward is perfect and I don't think he's the villain; ditto for Jacob!. That's what going to make it hard to predict who, if anyone, Bella's going to end up with !.!.!.


Not everybody does hate Jacob Black, especially for he first two books!. In the second books he even becomes more the good guy then Edward, but Edward and Bella's story started before the Jacob-Bella love story!. Twilight kind of made Edward and Bella's love unconditional and very fairy-tale like, people were rooting for them far before hey were rooting forBella and Jacob!. Their relationship was almost perfect!. In Eclipse Jacob tries to break them up and it upset most people making him the bad guy for a lot of people!. others think more of New Moon and still hold that against Edward though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not really that they hate him!. They are just in love with the idea of the ever so "perfect" Edward!.

To them Jacob is plain and poses a threat to there love story!. To less obsessive readers Jacob is a main part of the story whom there perfect story would not go on with!.

Edward is really only the good guy to most of them because they think he's "hot"!. He did something wrong, but that perfect idea keeps coming back to haunt twilight fans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella loves Edward with every last bit of her being and she thinks of Jacob as more of a friend and she gets annoyed because he acts like a little kid and tries to act like her boyfriend instead of her guy-friend which he is!. also it probably dose not help his chances that he is a mortal enemy to Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They hate him because he's (in actuality) better for Bella than Edward (they don't want to admit the truth)!. They go for Edward because he's the leading man (and because he's been described as beautiful and mature and all that good stuff)!. But I'm with you, Jacob is awesome!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

BC he's sweet and he proteces Bella and he stayed with Bella when they were going to fight in eclipse and she asked Jacob and he's like no and he tricked Bella too kiss him and he's kissed her a other time w/o her perm-ion and Edward is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!.!.!. better there are no words for it yeah he left but he didn't mean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HE'S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because i believe that she has to choose edward because it is obvious that they need to be together!. i have no idea what stephanie has choosen for Bella but i hope (and no offense) that she and edward end up together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone thinks Edward is just the best guy in the world!. His character isn't realistic at all, whereas Jacob's is!. People (preteen girls especially) want that fairytale ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I love Jacob!.!.!.Edward is too annoying and over protective!.!.!.!.in the long run, she would be happier w/ Jacob!.


<3 KelseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, did you guys count when they were camping in Eclipse, and then Jacob said, "Kiss me or I'll go die!." Edward was sympathetic and understanding when she told him, that's how he's the good guy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not everyone!.!.!.I don't hate him!. I don't like him, but I don't hate him!. My friend actually likes him and hates Edward!. lol
