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Question: Help i have writers block!!!?
what should i write about!? TELL MEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you have writer's block then you should look for a new idea!. Go outside and take a walk around the neighborhood, read a book, go on fanfiction!.net!. Do something that will spark your imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, I don't sell my stories for less than six cents per word!. If you want me to give you my ideas for a novel, that will cost you a minimum of $20,000 for the advance I'd lose if I wrote it and sold it myself!. I'd prefer a much higher advance!. Maybe even an auction with a cool $8M advance!.

In other words: Come up with your own ideas!. That's what makes writing fun!. Writer's block sucks, but you're sure as heck not going to overcome it by writing about somebody else's ideas!. To get your own ideas, try reading a newspaper for weird stories, or go for a walk and speculate about the things you see around you, even if they're mundane things like houses and trees!. What could be secretive or special about these things!?

There is a potential story in everything around you!. If you're a writer, it's up to you to find that story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's something I read: just sit down and write whatever comes into your head!. Don't edit!. Don't try to make anything out of it!. Just sit there and whatever thought comes into your head, you write it down!. Even if it's what to have for lunch!. The idea is, eventually your brain will get so bored it will come up with something better to write, and there you go!. I tried it once, it's amazing!. Good luck!.

Oh, here's something - the Bible is full of all kinds of stories, action, drama, all kinds of plots and morals!. You could rewrite one of those stories!. The best part is, nobody's going to sue you for plagerism!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I laugh when people say they have Writer's Block!. Actually, Writer's Block is an unfortunate manner of laziness!. It is usually caused when you have written alot in the preceding hours/days/weeks/months!. To overcome your laziness, I would read some books!. It might inspire you to write something!.
Hope it helps!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Base a character on yourself!. You could put in the fact that she is unable to write!. Make it like a love story or something!. It doesn't have to be between two people, but could be a friendship thing between an animal and a human, or even aliens, comets!.!.!. make it really adventurous, but adding your own feelings into it makes it much more realistic, endearing to the readers, and touching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest writing for at least an hour!. Don't go for a story, just write random stuff for an hour!. Forget about sentence structure, punctuation and grammar for the moment!. Just write!. I'm sure at first you won't see anything useful in what you are writing!. However, if you keep going, as your brain keeps searching for more and more random stuff to write down, you may find something interesting popping into your head!. I know it's worked for me many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


A planet explodes far out into space!. The debris left from the explosion includes a giant astroid about the size of Rhode Island!. It crashes into the ocean causing tital waves and earthquakes!. But that's not the only thing that brought on death and destruction!. There were creatures left over from the dying planet!. Flesh eating creatures, and they're climbing out of the ocean as we speak!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

It would kinda depend on what kind of story gyou're going for!. Sci-fi, fantast, realisitc/historical fiction!? For sci-fi, WAY into the future or parallel dimension/universe!? For fantasy, alternate world or our world with mythical creatures!? For realisitc fiction, a girl/guy trying to fit in in their HS, or a girl/guy with major familial issues!? For historical fiction, US or another coutry, hat event (Holocaust, WWII, Vietnam)!?

It all depends on you!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK well write about a girl with Adhd she is 12 and going into 7th grade very smart but she also has dyslexia she lives in new england make it into a romance and if it ever gets published call it Eleanor's story that is all I can think of!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honey, whenever you get writers block, write about your passion, and never mind the ryhming!. Spill out of soul on paper!. I would read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should try something which is very controversial such as what happens after death!. Or where life begins!. Or the endless problems with the internet!. Make a story about a cause and effect of the internet!.
Hope its helped, if not, good luck with your block!!

Just write complete gibberish, whatever comes to mind, no matter how crazt, until you've worn the block down to nothing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something that ordinary people can relate to!. For example, a story about alien ninja robot pirates that travel back in time for some reason and cause things to spontaneuously combust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

write a story about a major current event but just change the characters, countries, or conflicts involvedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should write about a mouse who is also a pirate!Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on the suject you are planning to write about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com