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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do film makers still not get this when making a book into a movie?

Question: Do film makers still not get this when making a book into a movie!?
Like okay, every time a book is made into a book the film does the film maker not notice that if they don't stick to the book, it turns out to be a flop!!?
Example #1 of when you stick to a book, it's a good thing!. Harry Potter!. It's made millions!. They've stuck very close to the books!. (This is the only example I can think of that they've actually stuck to the plot of the book!.)

NOw here are the examples where they haven't stuck to the book and it's become a failure!.
Example #1 Eragon!. Failed miserably!.
Example #2 I Robot!. Failed!
Example #3 Series of Unfortunate Events!. They messed the books in a weird way!
Example #4 The Seeker!. It was ridiculous!
And perhaps the greates tragedy of all!.!.!.Twilight! From what I've seen, they're changing the book completely!. Why!? Why don't they stick to the book that has sold MILLIONS for a reason!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hollywood clueless!? WhatEVER do you mean!? :)

Listen, if you have a group of people who think they can "improve" upon classic literature, what do you think would stop them from "improving" modern books!? Nothing at all - as we've seen over and over again!.

I wouldn't be very surprised to see a version of A Tale of Two Cities in which those filming think it would be a vast improvement in the story to have Sydney Carton never dream of taking Charles Darnay's place!. Their bright idea: Sydney gets the girl in the end!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's not dwell on Twilight yet!. It hasn't come out yet!. Actually, from what I've seen, it looks like it's going to be very book-loyal!

also, though, books and movies are very different things!. What makes perfect sense in a book, like subtle body language, for example, is impossible to put in a movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could be mulitiple reasons:

1) budget
2) entertainment purposes- they want to add or delete scenes or make it cooler
3) its an "adaptation" and want to add their own viewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A book and a movie are very different!. A book has much more detail than a movie does!. It usually has more details than a movie does!. Another big issue is time!. If Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (the movie) was exactly like the book, we would still be sitting at the theater watching it!. So, to decrease the time, filmmakers need to get rid of a few things!. But, of course, they can't just simply "take out a scene!." In a novel (or a good novel) things connect!. If you take out Point C, Point B can never get to Point D!. So, perhaphs, you take out Point D!. Now Point A goes to Point B perfectly!. I will agree w/ you, however, that film makers still don't seem to get that the highest grossing film of all time (Titanic) was over three hours long!. The second highest grossing film (Worldwide) is Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which runs well over three hours as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think one of the reasons is because when you are reading something, for some people it's easier to keep things straight because you can go back and reread it!. You can do that with a movie too, but not when you are in the theater!. :) If there are fewer characters to keep straight, it's easier!.

I also think they do it in the interest of time!. For many books, it's hard to condense them down to a two or three hour time frame when the book is a few hundred pages long!. However, that doesn't explain why they like to put events out of order!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we've only seen the tiniest bit!.

There's a vast difference between a screenplay and a novel!. That's why HP is different - you just can't put 600 pages verbatim on the big screen, unless you want it to be a six-hour-long movie (well, not that I'd complain with HP)!. From what we've seen of Twilight, which is NOT much, they're sticking with it!.

A lot of the book is explained through Bella's thoughts, and that would make for a really boring movie!. They have to explain some things a different way or the movie would be a flop, even to fans!. The quotes aren't going to be verbatim because that never happens!.

The movie hasn't come out yet - you should wait to judge it until you see it!. I think it's going to be pretty good!. Then again, I do love Robert Pattinson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seriously!. They are entirely different mediums!. What don't YOU get about that!?

If you go to a movie expecting a similar experience that the book gave you then you are naive as hell!.

Holy crap!. You realize that a majority of America wouldn't realize that these movies are based on books!? They wouldn't know that there are some cool books in existence!.

It's not about being better or worse, it's that they are different!. They are made from someone else's interpretation of the work, not yours, and usually not the author's!.

"The book is a way better!." - What a lame catch phrase!. Get over it!. I've heard people say that about books they've never read!.!.!.!.!.

And you know what!? Eragon sucked as a book too!. So I'd remove it from your list and start talking about classics if you really want to make a "purist" argument!. All your examples are lame!. Jeez, at least most people have the frame of mind to cite Catch-22 or Slaughterhouse Five as their examples of horrible adaptations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com