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Question: Who is the main character of the Lord of the Rings!?
A lot of people argue that Frodo Baggins is NOT the main character!. Who then, do you believe, is the main character(s)!? Is it Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, Heir to the throne of Isildur!? Is it Samwise Gamgee, gardener of Bilbo Baggins and comrade of Frodo!? Who do you think it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is really more of an esemble, I would say!. Frodo may be called the main character simply because his story ties all the others together, but I have never got the impression that Tolkien wanted us to be any more interested in Frodo than in any other member of the fellowship!.
I think Aragorn, Gollum, Sam and Gandalf, at the very least, are meant to be Frodo's equals!.
My opinion, there is no 'star'!.

ETA: RJS1121, by that logic, Gollum is the main character!. He, not Frodo, is the one who technically destroys 'the one ring'!. Frodo pretty much tripped at the finish line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It actually is Frodo!. Recall that the story both begins and ends with Frodo - we start out meeting him in Bag End, follow him on his journey as he meets new companions and loses them, and follow him all the way to the Grey Havens!. It could be argued that Aragorn is the main character, but he isn't the story's central character!. It definitely isn't Sam - no offense to him, but he's more of Frodo's sidekick, for lack of a better word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Arlitto!. Here is the question!. WHO winds up being the LORD of the RINGS defeator!? Not Aragorn!.!.!.!.!. he is King of the White City!. Not Gandalf!.!.!. he is White Wizard!. Not Bilbo!.!.!. as he turns the One Ring over to Frodo!. Not Samwise!.!.!.!. as he is the appointed guardian of Frodo so see that he accomplishes his task!. Not Saruman!.!.!. as he winds up being dethroned as White Wizard!. All of the others are meaningful but less important characters in the story!. Now!.!.!. As I see it!.!.!.!. The Lord of the Rings is Sauron!.!.!.!. but the character who is assigned to and accomplishes overthrowing this mighty evil is Frodo!.!.!. alone!. I don't mean he does it without the help of all the others!.!.!. I mean is actually destroys Sauron by distroying the Ring!. He has to be the main character!. That is how I interpret it!. But it is a book!.!.!. can't anyone have their own opinion and not be completely wrong if that is how they interpret it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really sure LOTR has a main character, the books/movies all reflect the lives of the people in the fellowship, they all kind of depend upon each other!. I don't know, if I had to choose I'd probably say Frodo!. But it's definitely between Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn, I think!. In my opinion, they're the most important characters in the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me, it has always been Frodo!. He was introduced off the bat and the three books actively follow him on his journed to Mt!. Doom!. For argument's sake, it could be said that the four little hobbits are the main characters, not just Frodo (the other characters are not introduced from the very beginning of the trilogy, and Gandalf is absent on chunks of the books)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO), players can customize certain elements of the game's user interface (UI), also known as "skinning!." While we don't allow you to do a full-scale UI replacement, we do give you the ability to replace selected visual elements of the UI!. (A full list of these elements and their sizes is provided at the end of this overview!.)

This is an updated (and prettied up) version of the information that had originally been posted in their Beta forums which we had copied to our Developer Discussions - Tutorials & Other Helpful Information forum!. It is a combination of the Skinning the LOTRO UI and Art Assets posts!.

One way to check out who is the "main" character is to see who has the last word!.

Who are the last paragraphs of the book about!? Samwise, of course!.

What does the list of titles for the Redbook indicate about the contents!? That it is a view of the War of the Ring as seen by the little people!.

Definitely Sam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think one could say who is THE main character; I think that Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn are all main characters, and they each represent different facets of heroism!. As I see it, each is equally important to the story, so they are all main characters in equal part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most obvious case is Frodo since it is the story of the destruction of the ring, and that is Frodo's job!. Aragon is the hero but not really the main character!. If not Frodo, then there is no main character, just an ensemble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely Sam!. He represents the ordinary person, and thus the reader understands him best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If not Frodo, I would say Gandalf!.

He knew everyone and pretty much brought them all together!. You know what I mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gandalf!. He's the only one in every single book, including the hobbitWww@QuestionHome@Com

IS FRODO!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's Frodo!.

There, your quest is over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was Frodo!.!.!.would make sense that he is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was frodo!. but idkWww@QuestionHome@Com