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Question: Selling old books!?
I have an old book I would like to sell that I picked up at a second-hand market, dated 1819!. Its not in brilliant condition but in a fair condition!. I am new to selling old finds and just looking for any tips - best way to sell!. Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, I would try to determine the condition of the book the RBMS Publications site should help with that!. You can search ablebooks, alibris and other used book sites to get an idea of the value and then go through a book seller, including amazon or an auction like eBay and offer the book for a set priceWww@QuestionHome@Com

When I'm buying an old book (I'm a casual collector), I look at the content first, and condition second!. I'm willing to pay more for an interesting book!. Do some research on the book by searching for its title!. If it's common, you won't get much for it!. Chances are, you can't get much more than you paid for it--that's the problem with getting them from stores rather than yard sales!. You could always be lucky, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually use Half!.com, Amazon!.com, and occasinally Ebay!. If it's an 1819 edition, you might want to see if there's a reputable antique or old-book dealer in your area - they might be able to give you a good idea of what it's worth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Give ebay a try!.

Do remember - just because it's old doesn't mean it's worth a lot of money or is rare!. I have a lot of old books from the 17 and 1800s that are only really worth a few dollars each!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you have like a half price books near you!?!?
its a store where they buy and sell used books!.
you could sell it to them or some other used books book store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would go on eBay or maybe go to a pawn shop (not entirely sure about the pawn shop but it probably wouldn't hurt trying!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on amazon!.com!.!.!.!? or ebay!?Www@QuestionHome@Com