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Question: Help me pick what I should read!?
Earlier I had to choose one book to read out of a list of 188; I'm now down to a shortlist of 18, and would welcome any input!

Bit about me- I'm a 22 year old gal living in Kentish Town, Camden, London, UK, just finished a Zoology degree!.

Lately I've been enjoying womens novels from the first half of this century (One Fine Day by Mollie Panter Downes, Mariana by Monica Dickens, Dusty Answer by Rosamund Lehmann) and European novels in translation ( The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron, Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb)!.

Having said that, I'm open to most things!.

So, any thing here you've enjoyed or hated and think I will too!?

Sunrise With Sea Monster by Neil Jordan
Summer's Lease by John Mortimer
Girlfriend In A Coma by Douglas Coupland
The Bottle Factory Outing by Beryl Bainbridge
The Virtuoso by Margriet De Moor
Wickford Point by John Marquand
Senor Vivo And The Coca Lord by Louis De Bernieres
Gentlemen And Players by Joanne Harris
Wake Up by Tim Pears

cont belowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Fisher King!.
Great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never heard of any of those!. !. !.
But "The Host" by Stephanie Meyers is really good, its kind of sci-fi but still good!.
Or anything by her- the Twilight series is really good too, if you like fantasy!.
Hope I helped=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series!.!.!.no doubt!. sorry its not on there but it has to be the greatest books of all time and any one who likes reading should read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

The whole Twilght series by Stephine Meyers
they are amazing
you'l enjoy every page!.!.!.!.!.
War and Peace is all great!. but its more than a 1000 pagesWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you liked Shadow of the Wind you may also like The Night Train to LisbonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, its a little long but its a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Suggest you avoid Gore Vidal!.

You might enjoy Gentlemen and Players by Harris
Look here to read reviews if you like!. Besides my vote, it gets lots of five star reviews (the best at Amazon)!.!.!.

--and at least one book was made into a movie, The Fisher King; I liked the movie enough to watch it more than once; have never known there was a book!.
Oh!.!.!.movie put out by Terry Gilliam, written by Richard Somebody Else!.!.!. So I don't know that one, it seems, unless the cover doesn't mention an adaptation, which I think it would!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you enjoy reading women novels, this book that I about to suggest is not on your list, however, worths every single word in it!.

Try "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant!.

It tells a story of Dinah, the daughter, the keeper of womanhood and ancient family history!.

I never found my warmth towards family life, and those little things that means not much that a woman does in her life!. I never sympathize!. But after this book, I feel love and understanding!.

Go to www!.mustread!.info/theredtent and find out why 1!.5 million women love this book!.
