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Question: Who is you favourite writer / author, and why!?
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There isn't a single favorite:

As one answerer stated Anne McCaffrey is high on the list and yes her characters due come alive, so much so that you begin to care about them!. Her Pern series stands as a classic but you should also read her books prior to the time she got into fantasy !.

Of course Robert Heinlein who understood the dark and positives sides of humans and what really makes them tick!.

Ayn Rand who's fact and fiction place her miles above most writers and she too understands what makes people tick!. As a single writer who has impacted how people look at the world, she has to be in the top five!. Her books "Atlas Shrugged" and the "Fountainhead" still, after many reads run chills down my back!.

Shelby Foote is a writer who is the ideal of what a writer should be!. His 20 year work (the Civil War) is a master piece of historical research and translation into language not only understandable but words representative of the human soul!.

Of course there are the classical writers!.

Who can exceed Alexander Dumas (the Senior) with such as the "The Man in the Iron Mask" or "The Count of Monte Cristo'!.

Sir Conan Doyle with his "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" or The White Company" must be on the list!.

Isaac D'Israeli and his "Curiosities of Literature" should be a must read for everyone!.

In the area of literature for young people there is a very special writer (artist) named Holland C!. Holland!. His books such as "Minn of the Mississippi" and "Paddle to the Sea" are only exceeded by his "Sea Bird!."

Sadly, any list of worthy authors is only exceeded by the legions of writers who can't hold your interest past the first paragraph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the author Louis Sachar!.
He wrote 2 books that i persnally love!
They are Holes and Small Steps!.

I love Holes because i like how Zero tells Stanley(the main charecter) that Stanley didn't really steal the baseball cleats from the homeless shelter, because it was really Zero that did!.

I love Small Steps!. It is a sequel to Holes!. I like how Armpit(Theodor) meets Kaira DeLeon at one of her concerts and he goes backstage and meets Kaira because X-Ray sold Armpit fake tickets to her concert!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a couple, I can't just say one, that's too hard!.

Cecily Von Ziegesar!. Some people may not like her Gossip Girl books, but I love them!. They are a guilty pleasure that I love to read and I never want to put down the books!. She knows how to entertain the reader in my opinion!. I always laugh out loud, or gasp, or feel like my eye's are going to pop out of my head because of what's happening!. I like when a writer can grab my attention like that!. She's very entertaining and I have every one of her books on my bookshelf!.

Lisi Harrison!. Writer of the Clique books!. I've read these books for a couple years and I know not everyone likes these books, but then again I don't care!. I will read what I like and I like her books!. Again, very entertaining in my opinion!. It shocks me at how!.!.!.!.mean girls can be towards each other and other people!. But, I still think she's a good author!.

Sarah Dessen!. I have read only one book by her because I could find only one book by her at the Borders Bookstore!. I read Just Listen and I was really surprised by how much I liked it!. It was really good and I think she's a good author!.

Lurlene McDaniel!. I was saving the best for last!. One of my favorite authors!. The first time I picked up a book from her I cried because the book was so sad but good!. I remembered hugging my book in the end and such!. Her books are really good and sad!.!.!.!.but inspiring in the end!. I think she's a fantastic author and half of the books on my bookshelf you'll keep finding a book by her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's this great writer named Sela C!.!.!. Nah!. Just kidding!. ;)

Seriously, though, I've never been disappointed by Robin McKinley's work!. Never!. I may not have always had happy shivers about it, but it has always made me think about my own world-view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Way too many!.!.!.!.!.Gorge Orwell's Animal farm was fantastic,point well made!.

Some people are going to hate me for this but whatever,I also like JK Rowling and Stephine Meyer,and the author who wrote the Ulgies series!.Heap more I just can't quite remember at 12:38am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have three:

Lowis Lowry (The Giver and Gathering Blue)!. A favorite teacher of mine read these to us in school!. Reminds me of him!.

Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake)!. She just makes really disturbing worlds!.

Anne McCaffrey (the Pern series, and The Ship Who Sang)!. Her characters live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

chris crutcher!. he books are realistic about real issues, even though they are "young adult" books!. there is always a twist in his books and his writing makes you form a strong bond w/ the characters!. i cry almost every time when i read one of his books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pam munoz ryan!. is my favoruite author, because i can relate to most of the things she writes, and find what she writes very fun to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fyodor Dostoevsky for his writings had essential themes common to humanity , e!.g!. sin and redemption!.


Tucker Max, because he's THE man, is hilarious, and can inadvertently write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eric Blair (aka George Orwell)!. He wrote Animal Farm and 1984!. Enough said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sophie Kinsella!.

I've read all her Shopaholic books and she's so funny!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer and Charlaine Harris!. They write the best vampire romance books ever!!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com