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Question: Where can i read these books online!?!?!?
-Here There Be Angels By: Jane Yolen

-Here There Be Witches By: Jane Yolen


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At this author's site, click on the smallish gray book titled 'Works' and then open the file drawer where these books (excerpts, probably) may be at least listed, and an excerpt and/or review!.

Since the author still lives, her work is still under copyright, and in the USA will be for 70 yrs after her death, unless a literary executor she chooses extends that too!.

Can't read books under copyright legally online unless the author offers it!. Check her site to be sure about whether she does or not!. It's a very rare thing for an author to do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm so sick of these questions!. You cannot read books on the Internet! It's illegal! Go to a library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com