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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I picked Literature as a course in college instead of creative writing... what d

Question: I picked Literature as a course in college instead of creative writing!.!.!. what do I do!?
I thought there was no difference between creative writing and comparative literature so I picked the second one because it said "comparative" which means "better" : ( or is it "to compare!?"

So!.!.!. Now I learned that Literature is where you read and Creative writing is where you WRITE!. OH no!

The thing is, I've already submitted my application form to UP, the most prestigious university in our country!. I am considering other universities but if I pass UP, my parents will force me to enroll there!. I don't want to take up "Comparative Literature!"

Can I change my course when I enroll or can I shift after the 1st sem!? The first one is better!. Please help!



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Persiphone is SO right!. You'd be making a mistake!. You will learn the many ways that writers express themselves in their work!. You'll learn how to write certain sentences that are spoken aloud, but you have no idea how to express them in the written word!.

Reading is the root of writing!. When you've learned the basics of writing, you'll be one step ahead when you finally take that creative writing course!. You'll know more of the in's and out's of how to express yourself through your characters and your own imagination!.

Go for it!

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure how you swap courses, sorry, but just letting you know, I did both Creative Writing AND Literature!. You're right, Literature is studying books, and Creative Writing is about writing them!. I personally enjoyed Literature better, but if you're creative, and can come up with good story ideas, you'll probably enjoy Creative Writing more!. I only didn't enjoy it because I found it hard to come up with ideas to write about as often as we were asked to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think its a better deal!. Literature studies are enlightening!. If you want to be a writer, it will go a long way in nurturing your talent!. Creative writing can be done at a later stage! But if you learn literature this time, its benefits will be great!.

Allama Iqbal, one of the greatest poets and philosophers of the East, was a champion of Comparative Litearture!. Its good to know the diverse thoughts from various schools of thoughts!. Its a higly intellectual subject!.

I think you will be an excellent writer after COmparative Literature!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think most, if not all, universities have a drop/add period at the start of the semester!. If you aren't already enrolled you might not be officially enrolled in a class, they just wanted to know what you will probably take so they can adjust the course schedule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would be making a big mistake!. Stephen King says you cannot become a great writer until you have become a great reader!. You will learn FAR more about writing by reading -both good and bad!. also you will have to take electives and you can use those for CW classes!. My degree is in English/American Literature but I wrote tons and took many writing classes!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

You'll need to take both literature and creative writing courses if you plan to be an english major--keep that literature course and get it over with!. Wait until next semester to take the creative writing one!. It's not the end of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be a great writer you have to be a great reader!. The literature class will help you to better yourself as a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I think literature would be better!. But that's just me!. :)

I'm sure you'll be able to switch the classes!. Do you have an advisor or someone at the college to talk to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are going to college and did not know the difference!?
You can change courses after you get accepted, but I can tell you, you will prefer the literature course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok!.!.!.do you mean you picked it as a major!?!?!?

You can't register for a class if you haven't been accepted yet!. And YES if you picked that as a major then you can change your major at any time once you have been accepted!.

If it's a course, then it depends on your schools drop policy!. But you can definitely change the course before the 1st day of classes!.

I'm a little worried about the state of the US public educational system when someone applying to college doesn't know what the word comparative means!.

You sound like you need to talk to an academic advisor!. You have a set curriculum for each major!. and while they probably overlap a lot, you're going to need to ask yourself which will be more useful and which you are more interested in!. If you switch from one to the other half way through college and there is a difference of 40-60 credit hours between the two majors then you may end up spending 5 years in college!. You need to sit down with someone have them explain what a major is! And how you get a degree from a college!. Most majors require around 120 credit hours!. Each class you take counts from 1-5 credit hours each!. You need to look at what each major requires you to take!. You're first year will probably be "core" classes, so you'll have a little bit of time to really decide which you want to pursue!. Or double major! I ended up chosing two science majors (i know, I'm completely insane) because there were classes from each that I wanted to take!. Please contact an academic advisor or someone from admissions!. Or talk to your high school counselors!. They can help you understand what each major requires and which is best for you!.

If UP is the University of Pennsylvania!.!.!.then good luck!. I hope you have a strong GPA, a high SAT, and lots of clubs and community service!. I got into an Ivy, but in the end decided that it wasn't for me (plus the 50k a year tuition was a little bit prohibitive)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry that you didn't know that!.

Call the university and ask them!.

This is just a class your are taking back, not a major mismatch for someone who wants to write creatively!.

Studying literature is a good class to take if you want to be a writer!.

I am really not sure why you didn't realize the difference between the classes when you signed up for the class!. Does't the word "writting" give you a clue!?

also once you start college you can change your major

I an a retired nurse and I write and have published!.I didn't take any classes except basic English when I went to college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Comparative literature is "the study of the literatures of two or more groups differing in cultural background and, usually, in language, concentrating on their relationships to and influences upon each other"--according to www!.dictionary!.com!.

If classes have not started yet, you can drop the Lit course and substitute the Creative Writing course!. But, I'd bet you will eventually have to take a Literature course somewhere along the way, so why not take it now and get it over with!?!? I had to take a class in Shakespeare when I was in college in order to get my English degree, and I HATED it (half the time I couldn't make heads or tails about what he was talking about, but I managed to pass the course)!. Can you take BOTH classes in the same semester!?!? Couldn't hurt to ask!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plenty of great writers didn't major in creative writing!. And studying literature (or at least doing a lot of reading) is essential if you want to be a writer!.

"Comparative literature" usually means studying writing from a variety of times or cultures--this should be perfect for an aspiring writer!. Besides, every literature class I've ever taken has involved doing lots of writing--essays, but it's a good way to study the nuts and bolts of writing!.

One of the best things about being in college is being part of a community of people who all care about learning!. You're bound to find other people to share ideas about your writing with--aspiring writers who may be majoring in journalism or pre-med or business--and probably some professors who'll be glad to help a promising writer learn!.

<EDIT> I don't know why you can't change your major later!. It's not uncommon for students to change majors as their interests in subjects evolve, and universities tend to make allowances for that fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both courses are pretty much the same!. Let me explain:

UP is one of the best universities in the Philippines!. Most of the successful Filipino writers here and abroad are alumni of UP!. Among them are Jose Garcia Villa, Carlos Romulo, Virgilio Almario (http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/List_of_Uni!.!.!. ) who took up either Creative Writing or Literature!. Literature is not only about reading!. As Persiphone said, you learn how to write by reading!. Take Stephenie Meyer, for example!. Do you know that she took up Literature!?

Taking up a course in college doesn't determine what kind kind of job you'll get!. You can take up Nursing and end up being a writer!. What matters is your determination!.

I'm also sure UP allows shifting!. My advice is, stick up with Comparative Literature for now!. Malay mo, magugustuhan mo ito!. If not, you can always shift to another course next semester as long as you meet all the requirements!. If you have any questions, just email me!. I'm adding you to my contacts!.

Good luck!
